Author Pages

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Can you say, "duh?"  I blogged on the wrong Wednesday so since I'm off to water aerobics this morning, I quickly hunted for something worthy of a re-run that I've posted.  I read this book in 2011, and this reminded me how much I enjoyed it.

Sweet Glory by Lisa Y. Potocar

I just finished turning the last page of Sweet Glory, and I'm sad that the story ended, but elated to have had the opportunity to read such a strong, masterful accounting of female bravery during the Civil War.  The amount of research time the author spent before embarking on writing is amply displayed, both in the accuracy of her facts and the acknowledgments she shares.  This book placed first in the 'Young Adult' category of the 2009 Maryland Writers' and SouthWest Writers' contests, and although I'm far from that targeted age group, I can't imagine being more engaged in an historical novel.  Ms. Potocar has created a fabulous way to teach our youngsters about an important period of history while making them feel as though they've experienced the journey personally. 

Jana Brady drags her feet at her parents' suggestion that she become a lady, but when it comes to standing up for her country, she can't restrain her eagerness.  Running away from home, cutting her hair, and dressed as a boy, Jana joins the Union army, the only way she knows to fight for the rights she cherishes.  When she meets up with another young woman, Leanne Perham, who has joined under the same disguise, they assume the names of Leander and Johnnie.

Secondary characters, Keeley, a handsome Irishman, and twelve-year-old Charlie, who lied about his age to join the unit to support his Ma, join Johnnie and Leander in forging a friendship that sees them through troubled times.  Though Charlie is eventually transferred to a safer environment, working in a hospital, Keeley is captured and Johnnie is determined to free the man she's come to love.  While trying, she's taken prisoner, is sentenced to death, and her true gender is revealed.

The descriptions in this book are amazingly real and emotional.  I love a novel that puts me in the characters shoes, or in this case, boots, and lets me see the story through the roleplayer's eyes.  Sweet Glory certainly did that for me.  I cried at the misery, pain and suffering and laughed with joy of discovery, love, and hope.  The breeze caressed my cheeks, the honeysuckle pleased my senses and dimmed the stench of blood and rotting limbs in the crowded hospital tents right before the hangman's noose chafed my throat.  You must experience this story for yourself and present it to a young adult so they can see for themselves the difference between telling and showing a story.  Kudos Lisa Potocar, you've written something wonderful.

Treat yourself to a copy of this book at Tate Publishing.  If you write Christian-based novels and are looking for a publishing, you might want to check this one out.

Monday, April 27, 2015


As writers know, the more books you've written, the more difficult finding a fresh story twist idea becomes. Which is why in my work in progress, my ranch hand hero goes undercover in a lignite coal mine to earn money to buy his own ranch. This required research into coal mining in 1885 Central Texas—fascinating in some areas and not so much in others.

I was aware of the large coal mine at Thurber in Erath County in North Central Texas and nearby smaller mines in Palo Pinto County. Thurber’s location is too far from this hero’s home base. With research, I found the perfect place, the town of Coal, Texas southwest of San Antonio. In my story, the town is called Lignite after the type of coal mined there. Also in my story, someone is causing deadly “accidents” at the mine and the owner wants to determine who is guilty. For this, he hires my hero, Finn O’Neill.

Finn O'Neill, hero
The beauty of changing the name of the town in fiction is that the town can then have whatever buildings I choose and/or need for the plot. Instead of Lytle, in my book the next town is Spencer for the same reason. That’s one of the fun things about writing historical fiction. The author is free to build the setting and only has to be true to the period in customs and dress. I love making up my stories and their settings and I hope you enjoy reading them!

The actual town of Coal was on U.S. Highway 81 and the Missouri Pacific line in southeastern Medina County. Coal mines, worked by as many as 500 people at a time, precipitated the growth of mining camps in the 1880s. In 1881 the International-Great Northern Railroad built a rail line from Austin to Laredo that passed through Lytle southwest of San Antonio.

The community of Coal developed on this line a mile southwest of Lytle and just north of the mining camps. The high-grade lignite produced at the mines was sold to the railroads until the advent of oil-burning locomotives. In 1888 Coal consisted of a store, a bandstand, a main plaza, a dance hall, a Catholic church, and at least two schools. Hmmm, in my story, Lignite has a store, both a Catholic and a Protestant church, and one two-room school where the heroine and her sister teach.

Heroine Stella Grace Clayton

Lignite, often referred to as brown coal, is a soft brown combustible sedimentary rock that is formed from naturally compressed peat. It is considered the lowest rank of coal due to its relatively low heat content. It is used almost exclusively as a fuel for steam-electric power generation, but is also mined for its germanium content in China.

Lignite has a high content of volatile matter which makes it easier to convert into gas and liquid petroleum products than higher ranking coals. Unfortunately its high moisture content and susceptibility to spontaneous combustion can cause problems in transportation and storage. The efficient processes that remove latent moisture locked within the structure of brown coal will relegate the risk of spontaneous combustion to the same level as black coal, will transform the calorific value of brown coal to a black coal equivalent fuel while significantly reducing the emissions profile of 'densified' brown coal to a level similar to or better than most black coals.

Lignite can be separated into two types. The first is xyloid lignite or fossil wood and the second form is the compact lignite or perfect lignite. Although xyloid lignite may sometimes have the tenacity and the appearance of ordinary wood it can be seen that the combustible woody tissue has experienced a great modification. Dark black lignite, or jet, is where the term 'jet black' originates.

Gated adit mine

Although later lignite mines were those defacing strip mines, at the time of my story, they were slant/adit mines with tunnels underground. Better for the environment, but not for the miners.

By the 1940s my model for Lignite, Coal, consisted of a Catholic church and several dwellings, situated mostly north of the railroad tracks. Lytle annexed Coal Mine in 1969, and there were about 100 people living at the Coal Mine site in 1983.

Caroline Clemmons writes western historical and contemporary romances. Her latest release is WINTER BRIDE. The book containing Lignite, Texas is O’NEILL’S TEXAS BRIDE, and will be released mid-May 2015. You can keep up with Caroline’s releases by signing up for her newsletter. Her books are listed on her website at and on her Amazon Author Page.   

Friday, April 24, 2015

How the West Was Fun

 By Alison Bruce

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I'm not sure where that puts parody, but you can't effectively poke fun at something unless you know it well and the best parody artists know and love their sources.

One of my favourite comic westerns is Blazing Saddles. In true Mel Brooks fashion, it goes over the top in poking fun at the western genre... and a few others in the process.

Blazing Saddles also tops the list of the top twenty western comedies compiled by Most Wanted Western Movies (rated by YouTube hits). With one exception, their top five match mine. (I haven't seen Destry Rides Again yet)

1. Blazing Saddles – (1974)
Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn and Harvey Korman in one movie. That's a hat trick for me.

2. Support Your Local Sheriff – (1969)
 This was one of those movies my father could watch over and over. Every time he did, I'd stop what I was doing and watch it with him.

3. Destry Rides Again -(1939)
 I haven't seen it, but I took a look at the summary and it bears a passing resemblance to the plot of Blazing Saddles... which means Mel Brooks "borrowed" it. (As he borrowed the Bugs Bunny-style voice from Mel Blanc.)

4. Cat Ballou -(1965)
This one might tie for second place on my list. I love Lee Marvin as the drunken gunfighter. Another Lee Marvin movie made the list: Paint Your Wagon. I only saw it once, decades ago but I still remember the theme song.

5. Maverick – (1994)
 I used to watch the original series with my father. He loved James Garner - which is why one of his other favourite shows was Rockford Files. He wasn't that crazy about the movie but I thought it did justice to the cleverness and fun of the old show.

Comic strips, movies, TV shows... Does anyone remember F-Troop? And then there's the cat herding commercial. Gotta love it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Imagine Life Without All Those Modern Conveniences by Ginger Simpson

Imagine, if you can, living without all the conveniences you've come to expect.  Picture this:

You need something from the store, so you jet out to the garage and find a horse and wagon.  Instead of jumping into an air-conditioned or heated vehicle, putting it in gear, and making a quick jaunt to the store, you have to hitch up the horse, climb aboard the wagon, and head off for the nearest "mercantile," which is probably a day's ride away on a bumpy dirt trail.  No listening to a radio or adjusting your seat for comfort.  :)

Of course, the wind and sun can dry your hair if need be, because you won't have a blow dryer on hand.  I hope you have curly hair, since you also will be missing that curling iron you've come to depend upon.  Don't worry'll most likely have some rags on hand to tie your hair into curls when you get home.

T-Shirt and yoga pants?  Uh uh.  This ain't a Walmart you're headin' to.  You'll have to dress appropriately before you go.  That means an early rise because depending on the weather, you'll want to beat the heat, and since you'll have to don your corset, petticoats and dress, getting ready takes a little longer than you're used too. 

 The old west would be right in sync now since panty hose wouldn't be an option.  Be prepared to put on those long stockings of yore and then find your button hook to fasten your shoes/boots.  AND...if you care about your complexion, you'll not forget your bonnet.  Remember, this is not your usual convertible.  *lol*

All the conveniences time has given us weren't available a century or more ago.  Cars, highways, tunnels through mountains, safe enclosure from the weather, stores that had carts to push and aisles to meander through, and the computer I'm typing on right now weren't even a glimmer on the horizon.  Well, perhaps the car was. 

Once in the mercantile, you'll just step up to the counter and request all the goods you want.  If you're lucky, you'll just have a running tab. I'm pretty sure they didn't have grocery bags back then, so imagine carrying out 5 pounds of flour, sugar, a bunch of jars and some salt pork the clerk managed to wrap for you.  Ah, you'll miss those Walmart days.  :)

Note:  All these images were "borrowed" from Google Images.  If they are subject to Copyright, I'm sure I'll hear and prompty remove them.  :)

If you want a peek into what is would be like without all your might be interested in Time-Tantrums.  (Note:  Previously published as Sisters in Time.) The story is about a pioneer woman and a modern day female attorney who switch places and time.  While one is terribly upset, the other is thoroughly amazed.  You can find the book on Amazon.

Cover by Michele Lee

Monday, April 20, 2015


Oh, yes, they’ve changed over the years! 

Lets take a look at a few....
A chemise—could also be called a shift, an under-gown, or smock, depending on the period. They were of varied length, most common were either knee or ankle lengths. Could be sleeveless, or have short or mid-length sleeves, depending on the garments they were made to wear beneath. Also, dependent upon the season, they could be made of various cloth, light for warmer weather and heavier materials for the winter months.  

A chemisette was much like a sleeveless 'false shirt', however another version was much more like a camisole, usually waist-length, and often was gathered (had a string tie) a couple of inches above the hem. Dependent upon the style of dress, a chemisette could be mid-thigh length. Shorter and loose flowing ones with matching ‘tap’ pants, often made of cotton and silks, became the ‘underwear’ for women in the 1920’s. These are what gradually evolved into bras and panties.
Corset (also called stays) came in various styles and lengths. Their purpose was to ‘shape the body’, mainly make the waist smaller and the hips more prominent. They often flattened the breasts rather than enhanced them. The sleeveless waistcoats of the 1700’s look a lot like corsets, but were worn as an outer or top layer rather than underclothes.
1784 fashion plate from Gallerie des Modes: “Robe en Foureau, manche retroussé, le bord de la Robe retourné par devant, avec des tresse at un bouton, auquel pend un gland.” Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.Bum-roll was just that—a padded roll of material to make the hips wider. So was a farthingale, which often had wire stays making sitting almost impossible. A bustle, worn beneath the dress to enhance the backside, was again a padded pillow of material and tied around the waist.
Pantaloons and drawers (men’s versions were also referred to as drawers) were crotch-less and very loose fitting. Pantaloons would have a ruffle near the ankles that could be seen beneath the skirt. Drawers would have ties near the knees.
Slips and petticoats were worn beneath the dresses to add volume and hold the shape of the skirt. Hooped skirts/slips, had wire sewn in them, which again, made sitting rather impossible.

Men had braies, and drawers. Braies were little more than lengths of fabric pulled up between the legs and tied around the waist. Later ones had waist band and ties in the front. Drawers were usually knee length and tied at the waist.

Like the bustles and bum-rolls, men had things to enhance their bodies too. Cod-pieces had padding and tied around the waist, and calf-pads were strapped around their legs to make their calves look more muscular.

Union suits were both long and short. The top and bottoms were connected. It was during the 1920’s that the two became ‘disconnected’ and men started wearing garments closer to T-shirts and briefs.  

Just a note....there were many variations to all of the above! 


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Say What - a Re-blog by Ginger Simpson

Our regular poster notified me she had an emergency today.  Like I always say..."Life Happens," so I'm going to re-share a blog I posted back in 2011.  And we thought it had it rough!

American Indian women in the 1800s had it far tougher than you can imagine.  When the men went on a buffalo hunt and slew hundreds of the huge, shaggy beasts, who do you think did the skinning, the cutting of the meat, the drying, the hide tanning, the recovery of all parts useable?  The women.  Could you fathom your husband telling you to delve up to your elbows into the bloody insides of an animal that big?  I can't. 

The plains tribes revered all animals, and only killed for survival.  The buffalo provided the mainstay for the tribes, so when white hunters started killing the animals for sport, taking only the skins and leaving the rest to rot, we can sort of understand why that angered the Indians.  From the buffalo came their food, blankets, lodge coverings, sinew for bows and sewing, bones for needles, utensils and plates, and myriad of other things I've most likely forgotten.  Instead of pulling a needle from a package you bought at Walmart, could you fashion one from a small buffalo bone, or cut tendons and muscles so thin as to create thread with which to sew?  I can't even resew a loose button, so I'm pretty soon I'd suck at life as an Indian woman.

Women were charged with repopulating the tribe so as I mentioned in yesterday's blog, it was
uncommon for a brave to take more than one wife.  Girls married at young age, and aspired to become mothers, most giving birth in what was known as the 'women's hut, specifically a home to all things women, including monthly periods.  During birth, a woman squatted next to a stick driven into the ground, and holding tight, she delivered her baby into a special trough in the dirt that held a clean piece of hide with which to swaddle the newborn.  OMG!  I thought having to go through labor without pain meds was the height of torture.  Squatting next to a stick and pushing the kid out into a little ditch? Give me a break.  Natural childbirth was popular long before we ever imagined.

The very place that some young women were born, also served as a place they spent their menstruating time.  Women having their monthly time were considered to possess spirits dangerous to the virility and strength of the braves in the tribe.  For that reason, during those days of the month, menstruating women were isolated from the rest of the tribe.  Yeah, right.  Like God didn't make us suffer enough with cramps and bleeding, now we have to go spend seven days in a little hut, away from everyone else.  I don't think so.  Men should fear us.  I guess maybe PMS was around, just not named back then.

The end of the first period for a Sioux maiden was a time for celebration.  Her friends were treated to a feast, given gifts, and listened to chants recited by the tribal Shaman as he paid homage to the Buffalo Woman deity.  The American Indians were big on rituals and celebrations.   BTW, I celebrated the end of my LAST period in June 1995.  No more buying pads, no more cranky moods, no more monthly agony.  No feasts or parties, but a cause for celebration nonetheless.  

One of my favorite books is White Heart, Lakota Spirit.  In this novel, I explore a white woman's shock and surprise at being taken captive by the Lakota and seeing how different her life was even then.  You can find a copy on Amazon/


Monday, April 13, 2015

Horses- much needed in the Old West- today there is a great need for rescues #ASMSG by Kathleen Ball

Horses- much needed in the Old West- today there is a great need for rescues #ASMSG by Kathleen Ball

My last series Cowboy Seasons highlighted to need for rescue horses. I did a lot of research but it wasn't until I rescued a few myself that I realized just how cruelly some horses are treated.

A few weeks ago I got an urgent message about a man who had collected a great many horses and was going to sell them south of the border. He bought them at auction, from Craig's list and ads in the papers. His purpose- buy low- $25.00 or sometimes free and sell to slaughter houses in Mexico.

He wouldn't give them up but he was willing to sell them to buyers. This is Sparrow I paid 250.00 for her to live

She's only three years old. They had to use a hoist to get her to the Crossfire Rescue. She is finally in my and my daughter in law's care. She didn't even know what a treat was and refused them. Finally when she thought no one was looking she timidly checked one out and ate it. 

This is Ellie a pregnant mare the man was going to sell over the border. I paid to save her life too.

There is nothing wrong with her but when the man caught wind the rescue was determined to get all the horses out- he started raising the prices. I can't wait to see what her foal looks like.

Both horses arrived here on Thursday and it was such a relief to see  they both made it. Seeing Sparrow in person brought tears to my eyes. I have never seen a horse so malnourished before. The vet said if it had gone on much longer her organs would have shut down. 

Horses live a pretty long life. They are not pets you can just discard or throw away. I'm just glad Sparrow and Ellie now have a forever home and will be much loved.


Ellie with my Granddaughter

I wish I could save them all but it's not cheap to board and feed a horse. I'm just grateful there are a lot of people out there who have made it their mission to save these horses.  

Sexy Cowboys and the women who love them...

Finalist in the 2012 RONE Awards.

Top Pick, Five Star Series from the Romance Review.

Kathleen Ball writes contemporary western romance with great emotion and memorable

characters.Her books are award winners and have appeared on best sellers lists including

Amazon's Best Sellers List, All Romance Ebooks, Bookstrand, Desert Breeze Publishing and

Secret Cravings Publishing Best Sellers list. She is the recipient of eight Editor's Choice

Awards, and The Readers' Choice Award for Ryelee's Cowboy.

There's something about a cowboy....

***Order of my Books***
Lasso Spring Series

Callie's Heart
Lone Star Joy
Stetson's Storm

Dawson Ranch Series

Texas Haven- FREE
Ryelee's Cowboy
*Alice's Story- free prequel on my website

Cowboy Seasons Series

Summer's Desire
Autumn's Hope
Winter's Embrace
Spring's Delight
Facebook Fan Page-


Friday, April 10, 2015

Patent Medicines: Strong Stuff! by @JacquieRogers #oldwest #health

Patent Medicines: Strong Stuff!
by Jacquie Rogers

The labels carried wild promises but no list of ingredients. Patent medicines were ubiquitous in the 1800s, partly because medical science had made advances and partly because the search for health exceeded medical science's capabilities.  What a goldmine for stories!

These elixirs, creams, and compresses were made from any number of ingredients, ranging from vegetable juice to narcotics. Remember, there were no drug laws in the USA until after the turn of the 20th Century. When a patient took a dose of patent medicine, he or she could be taking opium, alcohol, mandrake, belladonna, marijuana, or extracts from hellebore, henbane, datura, and hemlock.

The term "patent medicine" refers to a product with a proprietary list of ingredients and sold directly to the public, not that the medicine was patented. Some of these products originated as old family recipes, but some manufacturers were a bit more mercenary in the development of their tonics. The quest for the almighty dollar soon surpassed any anecdotal or scientific basis for these medicines, and the patent medicine business became a huge economic force.

Tired of Viagra ads? Believe me, these ads certainly aren't new. Here's one of my favorite patent medicine ads, taken from The Owyhee Avalanche in the 1880s:


THE DR. LIEBIG Private Dispensary
400 Geary St. San Francisco, Cal
Conducted by qualified physicians and surgeons--regular graduates. The Oldest Specialists in the United States, whose LIFE-LONG EXPERIENCE, perfect method and pure medicine, insure SPEEDY and PERMANENT CURES of all Private Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Affections of the Blood, Skin, Kidneys, Bladder, Eruptions, Ulcers, Old Sores, Swelling of the Glands, Sore Mouth, Throat, permanently cured and eradicated from the system for life. NERVOUS Debility, Impotency, Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay, Mental and Physical Weakness, Failing Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Development, Impediments to Marriage, etc. from excesses or youthful follies, or any cause, speedily, safely and privately cured.

Young, Middle-Aged and Old men, and all who need medical skill and experience, consult the old European Physician at once. His opinion costs nothing and may save future misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by express, free from observation. It is self-evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, and physicians throughout the country, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the Oldest Specialist, by whom every Known good remedy is used. The Doctor's Age and experience make his opinion of Supreme Importance.

...and it goes on and on!  I couldn't resist this one--yes, I used it in Much Ado About Marshals.  I managed to squeeze in a few more, too.  Hostetter's Stomach Bitters was another favorite.  But the cash cow for the patent medicine manufacturers would soon be dried up.  Abuse of such strong ingredients couldn't go on.

The patent medicine industry was brought to its knees shortly after the turn of the 20th Century. From the Food and Drug Administration:
A few muckraking journalists helped expose the red clauses, the false testimonials, the nostrums laden with harmful ingredients, the unfounded cures for cancer, tuberculosis, syphilis, narcotic addiction, and a host of other serious as well as self-limited diseases. The most influential work in this genre was the series by Samuel Hopkins Adams that appeared in Collier's on October 7, 1905, entitled "The Great American Fraud." Adams published ten articles in the series, which concluded in February 1906; he followed it up with another series on doctors who advertised fake clinics. The shocking stories of the patent medicine menace were accompanied by startling images, such as "Death's Laboratory."
Good health to you!

coming soon:
Much Ado About Mustangs

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

And the Band Played On

by Shanna Hatfield

My thoughts have been twirling around like the belle of the ball with a full dance card as I imagine what it was like to attend a grand dance back in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Location would have no doubt played a key factor in setting the tone and deciding on attendance.

Perhaps it would be a fancy ball with gilded, ornate trim and gleaming floors.

Or maybe it was a simple gathering in a barn to welcome spring or celebrate the end of harvest. Straw might cover the floor while lanterns and a  big fire outside provided the light.

Would the women wear their best calico frock?

Or would their gowns have been elaborately embellished?

Would the cowboys have donned their formal attire (if they owned any)?

I like to think they'd at least have taken a bath and put on a clean shirt for the occasion.

Would they have enjoyed picnic supper? Maybe they held a box lunch auction to raise funds for some philanthropic endeavor.

Or would dinner have been an elaborate affair with multiple courses and perfect manners?

It would be so fun to travel back in time and experience both types of events - a country dance and a grand ball.

Since I have yet to locate a time machine, I guess I'll have to make do with imagining and dreaming... and dreaming up imaginative online parties.

I hope you'll join me for the...

PB Title

 Invite your friends to the party, and you could win a $25 Amazon Gift card. Go to the Facebook Party Page, click on the “invite” button, invite your friends, then post how many you invited. One randomly drawn person will win, but you get additional entries for every 25 people you invite! Also, ask your friends when they join the party to share that you invited them on the party wall. Each friend who mentions your name, earns you another entry in the contest! The winner will be announced prior to the start of the party April 9!


Dust off your dancing shoes and choose your formal attire for the Petticoat Ball Party on Facebook April 9, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Pacific Time). Giveaways and games will make for a splendid event as we celebrate the release of Thimbles and Thistles and the debut of Lacy!
The talented and fabulous guest authors joining in the shenanigans include:
10 a.m. – Julie Lence
11:30 – Christina Cole
Noon – Peggy Henderson
12:30 – Kristin Holt
1 p.m. – Karen Witemeyer
1:30 – Kayla Thomas

 The party is part of a week-long celebration:

    Join in the fun!

    Thimbles and Thistles CoverThe second book in the Baker City Brides series releases Thursday, April 9!
     Thimbles and Thistles takes readers back to Baker City as spring arrives and love is in the air. You can reserve your Kindle copy here:
    Maggie Dalton has no need for a man in her life. Widowed more than ten years, she’s built a successful business and managed quite well on her own in the bustling town of Baker City, Oregon. Aggravated by her inability to block thoughts of the handsome lumber mill owner from her mind, she renews her determination to resist his attempts at friendship.
    Full of Scottish charm and mischief, Ian MacGregor could claim any available woman in Baker City as his own, except the enchanting dress shop owner who continues to ignore him. Not one to give up on what he wants, Ian vows to win Maggie’s heart or leave the town he’s come to love.
    flourish thin

    Lacy Lacy, Book 5 in the Pendleton Petticoats series, will be available for pre-orders April 9.
    Be among the first to order the long-awaited story of Grant Hill. Talk about losing at love… eligible banker bachelor Grant needs to find the right girl.
    Those attending the party will also get a first look at the cover!
    “Will the bonds of love be stronger than the bonds of tradition…”

    flourish thin

    Aundy CoverIt just wouldn’t be a party if  there wasn’t a book available for free! Aundy, Book 1 in the Pendleton Petticoats series, will be available for free Kindle downloads April 7-11. Make sure you grab your copy! If you’ve already read it, tell your friends to download it. If you haven’t met the characters from Pendleton Petticoats, here’s a brief intro:
    Aundy (Book 1) – One stubborn mail-order bride finds the courage to carry on when she’s widowed before ever truly becoming a wife, but opening her heart to love again may be more than she can bear.
    Caterina (Book 2) – Frantic to escape a man intent on marrying her, Caterina starts a new life in Pendleton, completely unprepared for the passionate feelings stirred by the town’s deputy sheriff.
    Ilsa (Book 3) – Tired of relying on others to guide and protect her, Ilsa finally finds the strength and courage to take control of her life. Unfortunately, her independence drives a wedge between her and the man she’s come to love.
    Marnie (Book 4) – After giving up on her dreams for a future, Marnie finds her hope rekindled by one caring, compassionate man and the orphans who need her.



    To enter the drawing for a $50 American Express gift card, autographed books, digital books, chocolates, and original western artwork, fill out this form.

    I hope to see you waltzing by Thursday at the party!

    Shanna Hatfield 2A hopeless romantic with a bit of sarcasm thrown in for good measure, Shanna Hatfield is a bestselling author of sweet romantic fiction written with a healthy dose of humor. In addition to blogging and eating too much chocolate, she is completely smitten with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller.
    Shanna creates character-driven romances with realistic heroes and heroines. Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.”
    She is a member of Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, and Romance Writers of America.
    Find Shanna’s books at:
    Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Apple
    Shanna loves to hear from readers! Follow her online:
    ShannaHatfield | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | You Tube | Twitter