Author Pages

Gini Rifkin

  “HI: I’m so proud and excited to be a contributor at the Cowboy Kisses blog"

    With fifteen published stories of romance and adventure, Gini Rifkin’s genres include the American West, Medieval and Victorian England, and Contemporary Thriller and Fantasy. Break Heart Canyon and Fatal Recall were each awarded the Colorado Authors’ League CAL award for excellence in writing, and Undercover Outlaw won Colorado Romance Writers' Beverley award.

    When not writing, she has the privilege of caring for a menagerie of rescue animals including ducks, goats, donkeys, and cats. Having been raised with a hamster and a small dog, it's been an exciting experience. 

    Born in Illinois, when struck by wanderlust she moved to Colorado and met her husband, Gary. They shared the journey for 30 years, spending vacations canoeing, doing Mountain Man reenacting, and traveling around this great country. Although Gary has passed on, he left her with the skills to soldier on alone, and a little bit of him lives on in every hero she creates. 

   Lately, she is delving into weaving and working with goat hair. Now stories aren't the only thing she’s spinning. Her writing keeps her hungry to learn new things, and she considers family and friends her most treasured of gifts.

                "May the trails you follow lead to a life well lived."

Western Romance: 

Break Heart Canyon  
Undercover Outlaw  
Cowboys, Cattle and Cutthroats  
A Cowboy’s Fate  
Special Delivery 

Contemporary Romantic Thriller: 
Fatal Recall

Medieval Romance: 
The Dragon and The Rose 
Iron Heart 
Promise Me Christmas 

Victorian Romance: 
Lady Gallant 
Victorian Dream 

The Fae Warriors Trilogy:


Barnes & Noble

Audio books


The Wild Rose Press



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