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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Welcome to Cowboy first six Sunday on a blog I've specifically created for western historical romance.  I've only just started, but I plan to share some of my best "sixes" with you, and on my blog, I'll be hosting some of my amazing peers, sharing their links, and their talents.  Hope you'll "mosy" on by when you find time.

Setting the scene:
Sarah's Journey cover artSarah Collins is on her way to California, via wagon train.  When the unimaginable happens, Indians attack and she's the sole survivor.  Next week, I'll continue on, with her trying to find her way back to civilization--a nightmare of it's own.  There's always a handsome hero to ride in for the rescue...and this one happens to be a hunky halfbreed named Wolf.  :)  He doesn't exactly ride in, but you'll understand more later. *shifty grin*

Here's my six:

Anger whitened Sarah’s knuckles as she clutched the deadly arrow and cursed those who had killed such a beautiful young person. Tears that had earlier been denied now
fell in rivulets down Sarah’s face as she gave in to her grief and mourned her friend and
the other innocent people now lying dead and cold. Guilt tore at her soul. She’d cheated
death, not once, but twice. Again, she questioned why God had spared her and no one
else. Maybe he had a plan for her.

Hmmp, don't we always continue to learn?  If I wrote this today, I would have altered a few things. Gripped by grief, she mourned her friend and the other innocent people lying dead and cold around camp. Tears she'd earlier denied streamed down her cheeks.

Oh, live and learn...and in writing, it's an ongoing process.  Now, head back to Six Sentence Sunday and follows more links to delicious reads.


  1. Hey Ginger. I'm also hooked on the Old West. Interesting set up. I look forward to more.

  2. You know Sarah's Journey is my favorite book! Perfect set up for this wonderful story.

  3. Survivors guilt--powerful stuff. Great six, Ginger.

    Christine London


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