Author Pages

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Say Hello to my guest, Lyn Horner

Lyn Horner

Howdy, Ginger. Thanks for having me over for a visit. It’s a pleasure to be with you. I’d like to tell you and your readers about my new book, Dashing Druid. Recently published in Kindle format on, this is the second volume in my Texas Druids trilogy.

First, let me say I firmly believe there are people who possess extrasensory abilities. Why? Because I have experienced prophetic dreams and premonitions myself, real enough to scare me a couple times.

Since I know psychics live among us, and I’m pretty sure they existed in ages past, doesn’t it make sense that such gifted folks may also have lived in the Old West? They do in my imagination. Meet the Devlins, three psychically gifted siblings. Descended from legendary Irish Druids, their hidden talents lead them across prairies and mountains, into the land of cowboys and Indians, with consequences not even a Druid seer could predict.

Darlin’ Druid, the first book in this unique series, drew wonderful reader reviews. Now the saga continues in book two. This western romance stars Tye Devlin, eldest of the three adventurers. Tye is a sensitive, an empath in modern terms. He “feels” other’s emotions. Over time, he has erected mental barriers to block out most of the “racket” in order to save his sanity, but when he meets Texas cowgirl Lil Crawford, her troubled feelings easily breach those barriers.

Unlucky in love, Lil sees herself as a gangly old maid. She guards her bruised heart behind a tough façade, working alongside her father’s cowhands. When a handsome stranger with an Irish brogue calls her beautiful, she thinks he’s mocking her. Learning he’s the brother of the woman who wed her lost love, Lil tries to put Devlin out of her mind, yet she can’t help wishing such a man might truly find her beautiful.

Tye Devlin’s flashing smile conceals a painful burden. A failed prospector and silver miner, he’s left with nothing but guilt over a friend’s death and nightmarish memories of a mine cave-in. Seeking peace, he’s come to visit his sister and her husband on their Texas ranch. They convince him to remain with them, and while learning to ride and rope, Tye becomes fascinated by Lil Crawford. The daughter of a neighboring rancher, the part Cherokee beauty attracts him with her golden skin, dark flashing eyes and slim, feminine curves, but it’s her bravery and hidden sorrows that capture his heart. He realizes they’re kindred spirits. However, her parents regard him as a no-good Irish Yankee. Not a promising start for their romance!

Set against a backdrop of Texas ranch life, an iconic cattle drive, and feuding families, this action packed story delves into Tye's painful empathic ability and the impact it has upon his life and those he loves. As he and Lil struggle to survive raging rivers, hostile Indians and a vicious enemy, they must face their personal demons and decide if love is worth the consequences. Explosive surprises will determine their fate.

Ginger and friends, I hope this brief description whets your interest in my Texas Druids. You can purchase the books or download free samples from my Amazon product pages. Darlin’ Druid is also available for Nook on B&N, and Dashing Druid soon will be. You might also enjoy the haunting book trailer prepared for me by Shirley Hicks.

Note from Ginger:  I had the privilege of purchasing Darlin' Druid and I loved it.  I can't wait to get my hands on Dashing Druid.  I love Lyn's writing and I'm sure you will, too. 


  1. Lyn,
    Thank you for being my guest today. I've posted on FB and Google, also tweeted. There isn't enough promotional opportunity to share what awesome stories you write, and I'm hoping once the holidays are over, I can settle down with a copy of your second book. Absolutely loved the first, but then you know that. :)

  2. These look amazing. Very fresh approach.

  3. Ginger, it's truly fun being with you today. You are so supportive. You'll have to come visit me soon on my home page. Let me know if there's something you'd like to blog about. Your books maybe, or an old fashioned Christmas?

  4. Kay, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like the Texas Druids concept. I hope you'll consider gifting the two books to yourself for Christmas. They might take you away from the seasonal hubbub for a while.

  5. Lyn, all I can say is yummy, yummy, yummy. I do like reading about cops but a close second is cowboys and you seem to have a grand hold on your ability to write about them. These sound wonderful!

  6. Hehehe, Karen, I think I detect another admirer of the cowboy physique. I like cops too, but cowboys are numero uno for me, probably because I grew up watching so many old westerns on TV with my Texan daddy. Take care and happy reading!

  7. Hey Lyn! Hey Ginger! Those sound AWESOME! I'm so glad Ginger hosted you today. And Ginger, quite honestly, I'll keep comin' back to look at the Cowboy! Where did you find him?

  8. Gail, I'd like to say I found him in my bed, but that'd be a lie. I bought the picture several years back from Istock photo when I did a trailer for a friend. :)

  9. Lyn, Your writing is awesome! Your characters jump up off the page and lead us by the hand through their adventures, good, bad, and steamy! Lil is a wonderfully independent Texas woman and Tye is a strong, delicious Irishman possessing a wee bit of the devilish rogue. Together they make Dashing Druid an exciting read.

  10. Gail, I'm so glad Ginger had me over here, too. And I agree, her cowboy is quite tasty. As ladies learn about this site, I predict they'll stop by often to ogle Mr. Stud!

  11. Carra, you make me blush! It's nice to know Tye and Lil seem so real to you. I hope other readers agree. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. I keep forgetting to mention Dashing Druid is now available for Nook on Barnes & Noble. SmashWords is next, I hope. I'm nervous about tackling that site, having heard stories about their "meatgrinder".

  13. Wow, these sound like dynamite reads. Love, love, love westerns. The described action alone makes it sound like a fast moving romance/lots of action stories. I'm salivating here.
    They are on my TBB list for Christmas. My gifts to me. lol.
    Lorrie Unites-Struiff

  14. Howdy Anonymous, I'm thrilled you are salivating over my Texas Druids! Yes, their stories are action-packed and fast moving. Lots of danger, sensual tension, and family strife.

    I invite you and everyone to stop by my homepage. I'm running a small giveaway drawing. It's easy to enter. Just leave a comment telling me what you like or don't like about my redesigned "Front Page." Include your name or alias and your email address. The entry period runs through Monday, Dec. 5th. The winner will be randomly chosen and will receive one digital copy of each of my three books. Good luck if you decide to enter!


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