Author Pages

Monday, January 9, 2012

Coming Soon

I'm dealing with a family crisis at the moment, so my blog is suffering lack of attention, but I did want to stop in today and invite you to mark your calendars for The Amazing Author's Event which will begin on the 12th and run through the 24th.  It will start with Caroline Clemmons at and end here on the January 24th with a contest.  Each of the participating authors is donating a free download, and all you've have to do is answer a simple question that can be found on each blog, but they won't be posted until the very last day.   I'll be asking the questions here, along with a direct link back to each participant so you can refresh your memory or join in late.  So, here's a chance to load up those new Christmas Kindles, your current e-readers, or fill your computer with great reads.  Curious as to who's going to be part of the roster?  Here's the list:

Caroline Clemmons
Beth Trissel
Roseanne Dowell
Cathie Dunn
Maggie Toussaint
Patsy Parker
SG Rogers
Linda Larogue
Jacquie Rogers
Karen Nutt
Anna K. Lanier
Barbara Edwards
and yours truly, Ginger Simpson

Hope you'll join in the fun and earn some great reads in a very easy fashion.  Also, I have a few great guests lined up for this month, so keep me bookmarked.

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