Author Pages

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ginger's Amazing Author's Event

Howdy, as they say in the old west.  Today, I'm bringing up the rear on the Amazing Author's Event.  My job, because I coordinated this wonderful event, is to provide you with the links to the posts of the last several days, and give you a question you can answer by having read or returning to read the information offered by said authors.  I course, you can't think I'm going to not take the opportunity to promote one of my own books here...I have a prize to offer too, and it's a free copy of Odessa, published by Eternal Press.
It's offered there and on Amazon.   Here's the blurb:

The wagon carrying Odessa Clay and her father overturns, killing him.  Alone and scared in the middle of the desert, she faces finding her way to Phoenix and Aunt Susan. Food and water run out, and Odessa is near death when Zach Johnson finds her.  Squinting up into his tanned and handsome face, Dessie believes she’s died and gone to heaven.

Would-be-outlaw, Zach Johnson finds an unconscious woman alone in the middle of nowhere.  Where did she come from?  First glance: she appears young, but the curves beneath the dusty gingham say otherwise.  He didn’t plan to become someone’s hero, but how can he leave her stranded?

Will the promise of Odessa’s sweet lips lure Zach from the secret mission that has his gut twisted into a knot?  His father’s ranch isn’t the only thing at stake—now it’s his heart.

If you want to read a sample, Amazon is very generous in its offerings.  Of course, you might be my lucky winner.  
Before we get to the questions, let me explain how this works.  Most of our authors today are donating a free ebook.  If you'd like to participate in the contest to win, it's easy, smeasy, lemon squeezy.  Just draw on your memory if you've been following the tour, or use the direct links to go back to each site, then combine all your answers in one email and send to me here.  
All correct entries will be entered into a random drawing for the books. PLEASE PUT AMAZING AUTHOR EVENT in your subject line so I can differentiate between posts. we go, in the order the blogs appeared daily: 

What is Nate's real name?

What is the setting for Historical romance novel Red Bird's Song?
A. The old west
b. The colonial frontier
c. Regency England
d. The Twilight Zone

How long has Meghan been gone?

4.  Cathie Dunn - - Her question is: What is Rory wearing when Catriona spots him?

What is Sloan determined to find?

6.  Patsy Parker - -  Her question is:
What clan does Tannis belong to?

What is the name of beasts of burden on Yden?

Who kidnaps Dessa Wade?

9.  Jacquie Rogers - - Her question is: Where is the Much Ado series set?

10. Karen Nutt - Her question is: Who are the Storm Riders trying to save?

11. Anna K. Lanier - - Her question is:  What are two of the Four D's?

What is the name of the town where the story is set?

13.  Ginger Simpson - You're here already - My question is:
Who is Odessa trying to find in Phoenix?

So, get ready, get set, to...find those answers and email them to me at mizging at gmail dot com, and we hope you've enjoyed our Amazing Author Event!

The prizes to be awarded thus far:
Red Bird's Song
Highland Arms
Muddy Waters
Will O' The Wisp
The Last Great Wizard Of Yden
A Law of Her Own
Storm Riders
Salvation Bride

I can't promise you'll win your favorite, but if you want to give me first, second, and third choices, I'll do my best.  :)  P.S.  Anna K asked a great question in comments that I should have added to this post.  I'll give everyone a few days to collect the answers and email them to me as described above.  Check back here on Friday, in the comments section, for the announcement of the winners.  As I decide who gets which book, I'll forward the winning emails on to the individual authors so they can send you their prizes and personal congratulations. much to think of with a feeble brain.  :)  Good Luck.


  1. Ginger, when will you you draw the winners?

    Great excerpt. ODESSA sounds like a great story.

  2. All great books! Odessa sounds wonderful. Love the blurb and the cover.

  3. Looks great Ginger, both your book, Odessa, and this super event. Love your cover, and I really like this blog.

  4. Miz Ging,
    You know I love ur books. What more can I say? Love the cover and love ur blog....Hugs...Tabs

  5. Ginger, I absolutely love the cowboy in your header!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Thanks for visiting everyone. I've already received on entry for the contest, so I hope we have more. Mona...everyone loves my Cowboy, including me. *lol*

  7. Ginger, thanks for hosting the Amazing Authors Event. Good luck to the commenters!

  8. What a fun blog tour! I'm excited by all the interest in these books, and I thank you Ginger for being the brains behind the eight ball. Good luck to the entrants in the giveaway.

  9. Love those westerns, Ginger. Thanks for hosting the tour. It was loads of fun.

  10. Thanks for all your hard work on this today, Ginger. You did a great job!

  11. Thanks to all you amazing authors for being part of this event. You're the best.

  12. Fabulous post, Ginger. Yes, I'm joining the queue for that cowboy... ;-)

    Thanks for your great organisation, Ginger. I hope you can now relax a little.

  13. Enjoyed the post, Ginger.
    Thanks for organzing everything!!

  14. DRUM ROLL Please:

    The winners have been picked and the following folks will be receiving their free PDF copies directly from each author.
    Monica will be contacted by Beth Trissel
    Jen Black will be contacted by Maggie Toussaint
    Cassandra will be receiving my book.
    Amber will be contacted by Cathie Dunn
    Linda Laroque will be contacted by Barbara Edwards
    Maggie Toussaint will be contacted by Linda Laroque
    DivaVixenQueen will be contacted by Karen Nutt
    Becky Ward will be contacted by Caroline Clemmons
    Eva Flowers will be contacted by Roseanne Dowell
    and Penny Rader will be contacted by Anna K. Lanier

    Congratulations to everyone who left a winning comment, and we thank you for visiting out sites and being part of the Amazing Author Event.

  15. Thank you, Ginger. You showed tremendous leadership taking up this Blog Hop mantle!


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