Author Pages

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Take in More Than Just The Sights

My guest today is Ruth Zavitsanos, and she offers some words of wisdom, and a little promotion.  Help me welcome her.

I’d like to think that as a writer I notice things more than the average individual. I know that in recent years I’ve turned my senses up a notch taking in more than just sights. This definitely helps me to add depth to my writing and allow the reader to go beyond dialogue and action in the story. I’m also aware of the little signs that fall along my path providing inspiration for my writing.

Currently, the old farmhouse down the street is being renovated. Now, instead of just walking past this 19th century dilapidated structure with my canine kids, I stop and consider the means of maintaining the old while using the new to upgrade and strengthen the structure. I’ve decided this is the look I want for my cover, since the Sisters Inn is under constant repair. Of course, the hero is doing the repair and one of the proprietors of the Inn is doing her best to ignore the handsome and able handyman.

What I find truly amazing about this setting is there are no signs of the modern world, i.e. cars, paved roads, telephone lines, etc. Beyond the farmhouse is the farm, across the street a huge corn field, and next to it, the decaying barn with an occasional turkey vulture perched on an opening that once housed a window pane. It’s as though this setting was hand delivered to me. At times, I can hear my hero and heroine in the distance and see a blur of their faces. These are the times I practically run home to give them their say for others to hear. I’m so grateful to have a setting nearby that brings my characters to life.

My first novel, FLIGHT OF LITTLE DOVE, a historical fiction, also takes place in the 1870s. It has received five star reviews and is embraced by women and Young Adult readers. It is available in both print and ebook formats through Whiskey Creek Press, Amazon, and B& 

Next up is a novella with a 70s time period-the 1970s, that is. I’m thinking about the box in my attic, inside is a Captain&Tennille scrapbook, Tiger Beat issue with David Cassidy gracing the cover and a TV GUIDE spotlighting Carol Burnett. If only I held on to my shag rug! :)


Ruth G. Zavitsanos began writing at the age of 12. Growing up outside of New York City, she attended many Broadway plays and musicals that served to stimulate her imagination. While attaining her Journalism degree at Marshall University she received numerous writing awards. She has been published in Writer’s Digest magazine and had an in-depth article in a regional magazine. Ruth is a member of PennWriters, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators,  Valley Forge Romance Writers Group and Romance Writers of America. Her first novel, FLIGHT OF LITTLE DOVE, a Young Adult read, has been receiving five star reviews and is a book club selection for several independent bookstores. Ruth’s children’s books, THE VILLA DOG,THE OLD FORTRESS DOG, and THE KONA DOG,have been embraced by children, parents and the educational community.

Ruth enjoys Pilates, zumba, cooking, reading, music, photography, snorkeling, walks with her canine kids, and travel. She and her family reside halfway between Amish Country and Philadelphia, PA.

Ruth can be contacted at Feel free to visit her website at


  1. I love that your dogs came along today, It's only fitting, right, after your writing a series featuring wise and wonderful canines? Your Flight of Little Dove has been well received, too, I know, and I'm eager to see what you come up with next!

  2. There's no better research than the up close and personal kind, is there? Hope Sister's Inn is as big a success as Flight of Little Dove and those adorable doggy books. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

  3. I'd love to see this dilapidated structure up close. I'd probably explore it because that's what I like to do. Do you wonder if it's haunted? (g) See where my mind runs. LOL

    Do I get to read Sisters Inn? Is it historical? I want more info! LOL


  4. That's so great Ruth that you have this inspiration so close! I grew up in Lancaster, PA and was wondering if this site is near there... Very cool!


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