Author Pages

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ginger's Six Sentence Sunday

Hi, I had to move Six Sentence Sunday to this blog because I'm right in the middle of a Valentine's Blog Event at Dishin' It Out.  I hope you enjoy the picture of my handsome cowboy.  Oh, and be sure to go back to SSS and follow some of the other links for more exciting reads.  Yes, I do consider mine exciting.  :)

Today, I'm continuing with Sisters in Time, which fits here nicely because if you'll remember, Taylor is stuck in the old west...Colorado to be exact, and in this scene, Mariah's husband, who believes Taylor IS Mariah, is trying to help refresh her memory when she claims nothing about the Rocking C is familiar.  He's just brought a cup of coffee out to her on the porch and is reminding her how long they've been married:

My six:

Seventeen years? She tried to compute the numbers and shook her head. “This doesn’t add up. I’m twenty-seven years old. If I married you seventeen years ago, I would have been ten. I married David when I was twenty-two. If you add seventeen years to that, you’re trying to tell me I’m almost forty. That’s ridiculous.”

Sisters in Time is published by Eternal Press and available on Amazon and other places too numerous to mention.


  1. Oh, that quirky time travel...always messing with people! Nice six :)

  2. Great six, Ginger. Time travel is so messy. :D

  3. I can't imagine how confusing this would be for everyone involved. So much potential for disaster....

  4. Great job! I live in Colorado, and love cowboys (I am a cowgirl), so this story is right up my alley!

  5. Body exchange--assume Mariah actually was 17 when she married him, she'd be 34 now and a rancher's wife would probably be showing her age by then. Has she looked in a mirror yet?

  6. Having grown up in ranching country, surrounded by cowboys, I really like this. And one of the things I love about my own sweetie is that he always brings me coffee. So your hero definitely won points with me for that!

  7. Aw, there's always someone who's got to remind you of your age! Great snippet Ginger!

  8. 'Howdie ma'am!' Love your cowboy! Now, how is this story ever going to have a happy ending? I'm worried about these two women. What if they fall in love with the new husband? Things can get complicated!

  9. Intriguing - I'll have to visit again

  10. Time travel provides all kinds of opportunities to get confused about math! Great six.

  11. Oooh. Now that's intriguing. Really makes me want to know more. Great job!

  12. Oh, interesting. I wonder what the difference in aging was like? Would a 34 year-old from back when look like a 40 year-old today?


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