Author Pages

Friday, March 9, 2012

Say Howdy to J.D. Faver...

My guest today is J.D. Faver.  Although she doesn't write the western historicals that are mainly represented here, she's a "western" gal with the right attitude and a eye for Cowboy fashion.  I love her about sizzle.  Check out her blog and website, and take a deep breath before you go. *smile*  Oy Vey!

Hi Ginger
Thanks so much for having me as a guest today. I feel right at home on Cowboy Kisses because those are the best kind. <grin> Growing up n a farm in Oklahoma and having spent most of my adult life in Texas, it's only natural that I would feel comfortable in this environment and that I would write about cowboys as heroes.
In fact, even my heroes who aren't at home on the range, have that same kind of cowboy mentality. Most of my novels are set in Texas, so wearing boots and a Stetson with a business suit is not at all unusual.
If not cowboys, my heroes may be some kind of lawman. My latest release, a romantic thriller, is the first in a series set on the lower Texas Gulf coast and my hero is the sheriff. All kinds of dark and sinister things are going on in this area, both on land and on the water. The close proximity to Mexico adds another layer to the menacing environment.
The series is entitled The Borderland and my new release is Bad Medicine, the first in the series. This is the description of the series and a short blurb about Bad Medicine. I also included a short scene in the hero's point of view.
THE BORDERLAND: This series is set in South Padre Island, a resort community on the Texas Gulf Coast close to the Mexican border.  In this lush coastal paradise, passions run hot and temptations abound. Contrasting the tropical Eden is a seamy underbelly rife with drug dealers, illegal aliens and human trafficking. Violence looms nearby as conflicts erupt between those determined to keep the peace and those bent on criminal activities. Strong characters lead with their hearts as they plunge into dangerous situations. 

BAD MEDICINE: 94k word romantic thriller
Unable to escape her past, Chloe Palmer returns to the Texas coast for her murdered father’s funeral and to face Rafael Solis, the man she left behind. Rafael is now sheriff but he never gave up hoping for her return. She inherits her father’s shrimp boat and irascible crew, enabling her to make a living for herself and her young daughter. Rafael’s passion breaks down her emotional barriers, but her impetuous nature draws her into a cruel vortex where she runs afoul of old and new enemies. Previous rivalries emerge, pitting Rafael against a former classmate who is the heir-apparent to a crime dynasty. His sister, whose lies created the maelstrom that forced Chloe to leave before, is dead set against her brother’s rekindled relationship. She confronts Chloe, but both are kidnapped by the drug runner’s crew in an effort to bring pressure on Rafael. The women are taken offshore, and when the drug runner is released he sends word that Chloe is under his protection. The kidnappers dump the women overboard in an attempt to deny their role. Chloe has no love for Rafael’s sister but chooses to save her, helping her to body surf onto land. Body parts wash onshore as Rafael and Chloe battle an infatuated but vicious drug dealer, kidnappers, and a twisted curandero (Mexican healer). They emerge from the violence with a renewed respect for each other and a commitment to forge a life together.


 “I’m ready, Boss.” Darla brought the camera into his office.
Rafael unbuttoned his uniform shirt and hung it on the back of his chair. When he’d awakened that morning, his sore muscles protested his brilliant idea of letting Manny beat him up once again. But when he’d forced his battered body to rise and inspected the damage in the bathroom mirror, he was sure he’d done the right thing.
The bruises on his torso and back ranged from a deep blue-purple to a bright red-violet and there were red abrasions where he’d come in contact with the stairs. Assaulting the sheriff could put Manny away for a long time.
Ida gave a catcall, making him grin and shake his head. “Take it all off,” she said. But when he turned around her expression froze. “Holy shit, Boss. What did that guy do to you?”
“It looks worse than it is.”
Ida squinted behind her glasses. “Damn! It’s like defacing Michelangelo’s David. Were you ever an underwear model, Rafael?”
Darla giggled. “You are seriously hot, Boss.”
“Just take the pictures,” he growled.
Ida grinned. “Oh, Mama! I think I’m having palpitations.”
Adriano pushed into the office with a scowl on his face. “You women! Give the guy a break. He took a beating to get this scumbag off the street and all you can do is eyeball the man? Show some respect.”
“Sorry Boss.” Darla held the camera up and snapped the first shot, checking to make sure she’d gotten it framed well. “Raise your arms.” She moved to the side to photograph the bruises on his ribs.
“Did you see that?” Ida pointed a finger at Raphael. “He rippled. I distinctly saw rippling muscles, and the six-pack is gorgeous. Is there a Sheriff’s Department calendar?”
“Ida.” Rafael’s voice held a warning.
“Nice lats too,” Ida said in a stage whisper.
“Enough.” Rafael reviewed the photos Darla had taken before she pulled the memory card and shoved it into a USB port to transfer the shots into a file. She made a set of prints and stamped them with the date and then initialed them before sticking them in a folder.
“And how are our guests today?” Rafael slipped his arms into his shirt, grimacing as his muscles objected to the strain.
Adriano quirked an eyebrow. “Our friend Hugo is illegal, but he’s also a fugitive, wanted in Mexico, so our friends across the border are sending a special detail to pick him up.”
Rafael tucked his shirt into his pants and reached for his belt. “That takes care of Hugo. What about Manny?”
“He’s being very quiet.”
“Nah. He’s cold as ice. Just chilling out in the cell.”
“He’s never had any charges stick to him. We’ll see if this time we can nail him.”
Adriano hooked his thumbs in his belt. “What made you decide to go after him, Boss?”
“It was time.”
Adriano left to start his first patrol, leaving Rafael to consider his question. The real reason he’d gone after Manny was because he was getting too close to Chloe.
After their confrontation in the convenience store, Rafael realized that Manny would always pose a threat to her. He’d come up with a charge that would put Manny away for long enough to cool his passions.
 The Amazon link:

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My Facebook author page:


  1. This was a gripping read, J.D. It was difficult to put down. This is such a cute excerpt, but really shows off Rafe's personality -- and appearance.

    1. Yeah, he's a babe. I'm totally in love with him. Good thing this is a series.

  2. I'm looking forward to opening up my Sony and reading this book, J.D. I love Rafe already just from the short "photo shoot." ;-)


    1. I hope you fall in love with Rafael. He is described as a "big bad mother" by one of his competitors for the heroine's heart...but the heroine doesn't think of him as bad...She knows just how really good he is.

  3. I do believe I detect a hint of an accent. Nice excerpt JD!

  4. Thanks so much, Rose. I'm glad you liked it. Please read more.

  5. Pardon me while I find a fan. Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

    1. I do my best to make it hot in here. That's my evil plan...Mwa-ha-ha...

  6. Nice to see you, June! How about some pictures of women once in a while????

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wait a minute! I have female covers. See:

      That should take care of that question.

  7. I have to agree with Susan! It's getting mighty hot! Love the excerpt JD and I can't wait to read the whole book!

  8. Thanks so much, S.D. I hope you enjoy it. My whole reason for writing it to please readers.


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