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Friday, October 5, 2012

Oregon Trail Trivia Quiz

By: Peggy L Henderson

For my article today, I thought I’d do something a little more interactive. How about a little trivia game? For my latest book, I did a lot of research about the Oregon Trail. How’s your knowledge about the trail?
These are multiple choice questions, and I will post the answers on Sunday. To make it fun, if you leave your answers in the comments, I’m giving away a kindle copy of my newest release, Come Home to Me – release date October 17, 2012 to the first commenter with the most correct answers. (be sure to include your contact information) Thanks for playing!

1. What was the major “jumping off” point of the Oregon Trail?
            a. Council Bluffs, Iowa
            b. Independence, Missouri
            c. St. Louis, Missouri

2. What was considered the end of the trail in Oregon?
            a. Portland
            b. Eugene
            c. Salem
            d. Oregon City

3. In what month did the pioneers prefer to begin their journey?
            a. February
            b. March
            c. April
            d.  May

4. About how long is the Oregon Trail?
            a. 1000 miles
            b. 2000 miles
            c. 3000 miles
            d. 5000 miles

5. What were the two most common causes of death on the Oregon Trail?
            a. Drowning and accidental gunshot wounds
            b. Indian attacks and snake bites
            c. Starvation and dehydration

6. What was the most common disease that killed the emigrants?
            a. measles
            b. small pox
            c. cholera

7. Which was the most difficult mountain range to cross?
            a. Rocky Mountains
            b. Sierra Nevadas
            c. Blue Mountains

8. What is the name of the geological formation that the pioneers wanted to reach before July 4th to beat the winter snows?
            a. Chimney Rock
            b. Independence Rock
            c. Scotts Bluff
            d. Jail House Rock

9. Why were oxen preferred over horses to pull the wagons?
            a. they are more docile
            b. they are stronger
            c. they can survive on poorer forage than horses

10. About how much did it cost the average family in the 1840’s and 1850’s to finance a trip on the Oregon Trail?
            a. $200-$300
            c. $500-$800
            c. $800-$1000
            d. $1500-$2000

Thank you for playing!

Here’s the blurb to my newest book, Come Home to Me (Book 1 in the Second Chances Time Travel Romance Series)

Jake Owens is tired of life on his parents’ Montana ranch, catering to city folk who want a taste of old-fashioned country living. He enjoys life in the fast lane, with fast cars and even faster women. When he falls in with the wrong crowd and is accused of murder, a stranger’s bizarre offer at a second chance might be his only hope to clear his name.

Rachel Parker is highly devoted to her family. A tragedy prompts a daring move to the Oregon Territory for a fresh start in a new land. After meeting the wagon train’s scout, the meaning of a fresh start may be more than she ever imagined.

Jake can’t believe he’s been sent back in time to act as scout for a wagon train headed for Oregon, and given the added burden of keeping one emigrant woman safe during the journey. He and Rachel are confused by their attraction to each other. Jake’s ill-mannered, unconventional ways are overshadowed only by his notorious reputation. Rachel’s traditional values and quiet, responsible character are the complete opposite of what attracts Jake to a woman. When their forbidden attraction turns to love, what will happen at the end of the trail?



  1. Okay, here goes LOL.

    I know, lots B's. But I used to do stuff like that when I taught school LOL.

    Congrats on the new release,

  2. 1/b,2/d,3/c,4/b,5/c,6/c,7/b,8/b,9/b,10/c
    I hope I got most of them right since my book, Trail To Destiny takes place on the Oregon Trail! Then again, now that I'm working on my next story, I've forgotten a lot of that research!
    Congratulations, Peggy on another wonderful book!

  3. Peggy, I haven't researched the Oregon Trail, so I'm going to pass on playing the game. Sorry.

    Congrats on your upcoming release. I'm sure Come Home to Me will be another winner.

  4. I know number 8 is not Jail House Rock (unless Elvis was on the trip), but I do know the answers to the other questions. Look forward to reading this new book from you.

    1. LOL, Caroline! Actually, Jail House Rock is the name of an actual bluff formation along the trail! But I thought of Elvis, too, when I saw that.

  5. I know the answers to all but 7 and I think 9 is a trick question- the answer is a,b, and c. Plus oxen where also chosen over horses due to the fact that they weren't such a temptation to Indians to try to steal. Horses meant wealth to the Native American tribes and a good horse thief was highly respected. For some reason oxen didn't rate up there with horses; perhaps because they couldn't be ridden off or moved for a quick getaway.

    1. I didn't intend for #9 to be a trick question. The correct answer, according to my source, is c. here's the direct quote: "Oxen can work on a poorer diet than horses. This is the main reason oxen were used instead of horses."
      the other two choices, I pulled out of thin air based on my knowledge about horses and cattle. They are true statements, IMO, but the question asked for the MAIN reason. The Indians also stole cattle, but yes, horses were their preferred prize, but again, it wasn't the main reason the pioneers used oxen.

  6. Ok, I'll play your game. Been almost 15 years since I did my Oregon Trail research, but I'll try. 1/B, 2/D, 3/B, 4/B, 5/A, 6/C, 7/B, 8/B, 9/C, 10/C. Hope you're going to tell us if we're right.

    1. Congrats, Charlene! You answered 8 out of 10 correct. I'll be in touch!

  7. Me too. 1b, 2d, 3c, 4b, 5*, 6c, 7b, 8**, 9***, and 10****

    *5 As far as I know cholera deaths exceeded everything else by far, so I'd argue the choices have to include cholera. After that I think accidents

    **8 Haven't the foggiest. I always thought reaching Fort Laramie and being able to resupply there was the big deal

    ***9 I'm with mesadallas on this one

    ****10 hmm. What was the average size of a family that took the trip? And I think some farmers already had teams and wagons and cows, etc., but others had to buy everything. Maybe $50-100 per person?

    Argumentative, aren't I?

    1. *5 cholera was only bad in certain years (1849-52 had severe outbreaks), but overall, the death toll was highest due to drowning and accidental gunshots
      **8 a rock formation known as Independence Rock, past Ft Laramie, was considered the goal to reach by the 4th of July, to stay on schedule for the trek through the Blue Mountains.
      ***9 see my response to mesadallas

      ****10 according to several of my research sources, the average was always listed as $800-$1000 which most middle class people back then took 5 years to save up. Most of the wagons used by farmers were not suitable for the trip.

      Did you argue with your teachers on multiple choice tests in school, too? LOL ;-)

  8. Ok, here are the answers to the quiz. Thank you for playing! Charlene answered the most correct!

    1. What was the major “jumping off” point of the Oregon Trail
    b. Independence, Missouri

    2. What was considered the end of the trail in Oregon?
    d. Oregon City

    3. In what month did the pioneers prefer to begin their journey?
    c. April

    4. About how long is the Oregon Trail?
    b. 2000 miles

    5. What were the two most common causes of death on the Oregon Trail?
    a. Drowning and accidental gunshot wounds

    6. What was the most common disease that killed the emigrants?
    c. cholera

    7. Which was the most difficult mountain range to cross?
    c. Blue Mountains

    8. What is the name of the geological formation that the pioneers wanted to reach before July 4th to beat the winter snows?
    b. Independence Rock

    9. Why were oxen referred over horses to pull the wagons
    c. they can survive on poorer forage than horses

    10. About how much did it cost the average family in the 1840’s and 1850’s to finance a trip on the Oregon Trail?

    c. $800-$1000

  9. Peggy,

    COME HOME TO ME sounds SO good! I can't wait to read it. Here are my answers to the trivia.

    1. b
    2. d
    3. c
    4. b
    5. a
    6. c
    7. c
    8. b
    9. c
    10. c (800-1000)


    1. Sorry, you beat me to the punch and posted the answers while I was taking the quiz. I swear I didn't cheat, but just ignore my answers.

      The book does sound good!


  10. Late in chiming in, but I would have gotten 100% since I've researched the Oregon Trail so many times for my own historical novels. In fact, by now, I'm pretty sure I traveled the route in another life. Totally agree with your statement about the oxen. In reports I've read they were much sturdier than horses and not as picky when it came to grazing for food. Hey...maybe I was just an ox back then. *lol*

  11. Wow, I did pretty good on the quiz and it was interesting. Every time I think of the Oregon Trail, I think of the Apple IIe computers and playing that game as a kid.


  12. hi. thanks for sharing.the puzzle was an amazing challenge.

    Online Trivia Games


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