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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Take a Quick Visit to Historical Cragfont with Ginger

Photo courtesy of open house album on Cragfont website
Merry Christmas.  This is going to be short and sweet, because as I searched for information on the historical Cragfont mansion just a few miles from where I live, I came across their official website with a wonderful video that tells just enough about the home to make you want to read more.  Rather than paraphrase what is already so abundantly available on the official website, I'm going to post their video here and direct you to the history dating back to 1785 on this wonderful Tennessee 'museum.'

Hope you enjoy, and just click on the link above to get to Cragfont's official page.  Just another reason to visit Tennessee!  This place abounds with history, even though it's on the wrong side of the Mississippi to be considered "western."  Here's a map I copied from Wikipedia which shows the division:

 Although the "plains" states in the lighter shade of red are sometimes included in the "old west" territory, you can see that Tennessee only comes close.  *smile*  Do, I, I can still write about the time period, and I think you'd have a hard time arguing that my heroes aren't true western cowboys.  Take Ellie's Legacy, for example.  Set in Tennessee, specifically Sparta, I sure wouldn't want to tangle with Tyler Bishop about his status or attire. 

Happy Holidays and Cowboy Kisses all around!


  1. Ginger, my grandparents were married in Sparta TN. My mom was born in Warren County, in McMinnville. Her family moved west to OK after the death of her father when she was six. I love TN and always enjoy visiting there. Thanks for introducing me to Craigfont.

  2. Enjoyed the video. I was trying to see if I recognized parts from the movies he mentions.

  3. I LOOOOVE visiting historical places like this! :-) Merry Christmas, Ginger!

  4. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I missed the open house where they have it all historically decorated for the holidays. Darn! Appreciate you all.

  5. I'm late to the show, as usual, but I thoroughly enjoyed the video. Thanks for sharing, Ginger.


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