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Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Cowboy Kiss Welcome to KC Klein

Finding Inspiration In Texas

First, I wanted to thank Ginger for allowing me to come on this blog and do a guest post. What better place to talk about my latest cowboy romance, TEXAS WIDE OPEN than at a blog dedicated to cowboys and kisses? Ginger has been so kind to work around my schedule and all my last minute postponements. Thank you so much Ginger for working with me. Your patience has been amazing.
A few years ago, I started thinking about a sweet little love story that was centered on a headstrong young woman who had fallen for the cowboy next door. Add my heroine’s absolute passion for horses and a desperate rancher, and I had myself a story. So naturally when I started writing I had to place my book in a small town in Texas. Well, the problem was I live in Arizona and had never been to Texas.
I was grateful to learn that the southern part of Texas has similar landscaping as Arizona and by interviewing and following around some local horse ranchers I was able to pull off a realistic Texas feel. But…I still felt the need to visit Texas and get the feel of the local flavor.
My best friend took pity on me and invited me to stay with her family who lived in the small town of Whitesboro, Texas.
 I learned a lot. I toured small and large working horse ranches, saw long-horned cattle up close, found out in Texas that just about everything can be fried…catfish, hushpuppies, okra, sweet hushpuppies, and that no one I saw wore red cowboy boots like those on my cover. (What a shame.)
I also found that I wasn’t the first author, by far, to be inspired by Texas. In the Stockyard Museum in Fort Worth there is a wedding dress on display called the “Bad Luck Wedding Dress”. Due to technical difficulties I lost my pictures of the dress, but found a photo and the history of the gown on Flickr. Click below if you are curious. Though you can’t tell from this photo, all I have to say is that the women back then must have been very, very tiny.
Alongside the dress was a romance novel by Geralyn Dawson who was inspired to write an entire series around the legend of this dress. Here’s her book cover.

How cool is that to find your book kept in the Stockyard Museum alongside the actual dress that inspired your book. If only one day I could be so fortunate.
Well, maybe my book won’t make it into a museum, but I hope it will make its way into readers’ homes and hearts.
Thank you for letting me share a tiny bit of what inspired me in Texas. Below is the blurb and teaser of my latest book, TEXAS WIDE OPEN. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, leave a comment below with your email address and I will enter you into a drawing for an e-copy of TEXAS WIDE OPEN.
Thanks again and happy reading. 

“A tortured hero, a love that defies distance and time…this is a book you won’t soon forget.” –Cat Johnson

Katie Harris loved growing up on a ranch. She had her horse, the beautiful Texas prairie, and Cole Logan, the cowboy next door. But there are a lot of secrets hidden under a Texas sky…
Katie always knew she’d marry Cole one day—until he broke her dreams and her heart. But now that Katie’s father is sick, she’s back home, older, wiser and nowhere near the love-sick fool she once was.
Cole knows Katie doesn’t want anything to do with him. But after so many years, he can’t pretend she’s no more than a neighbor. Holding his ground was hard enough when she was seventeen. Now that she’s her own woman, Cole’s heart doesn’t stand a chance…
“Passionate, gritty and fast paced…with a hot blooded, honorable hero to make every woman's knees go weak.”—Diane Whiteside

Katie watched as Cole slowly turned, and at the sight of his bare chest, smooth and ripped with muscle, she locked her knees to keep upright. Instead of his inviting smile, there was a hardness she rarely saw that contrasted with the desire in his eyes.
Cole stood and stared. The silence between them crackled as if a whole conversation could be said without words.
Her breathing quickened as her nipples contracted into small, tight buds, sensitive to the brush of the cotton across them. She refused to hide her body’s reaction even as a flush of heat rushed to her cheeks. She’d been waiting all of her life for this moment. She was tired of hiding. She was ready. Unashamed, she gazed in his eyes and let the wealth of her feelings pour into her face.
Cole was no coward—he returned stare for stare—but she could see his jaw flex and knew he was pissed. She’d pushed him hard, but this was where the women separated themselves from the girls.
“I’m not a child any longer.” She took a step closer.
“And I told you, if you wear that shirt again, I’ll burn it,” he growled.
But Cole would have to do more than display a little anger to scare her. Before she lost courage, Katie crossed her arms and pulled.
She threw her shirt in his face, along with her challenge. “Go ahead and do it.”

Right now TEXAS WIDE OPEN is on sale for $2.99 at Amazon and Sony. KC loves stalking in all forms, but the best way to find her is online either through Facebook, Twitter, or her blog Romance on the Edge.


  1. It's our pleasure to have you here, and your book sounds awesome. One more to add to my "over-laden" Kindle. :) Although few people take time to comment, I wanted to assure you that Triberr will make sure to get your name out there, and we've already had 187 page views today. Taking time to comment has just fallen by the wayside. :) I rarely do it, myself. Again, thanks for gracing us with your presence.

  2. KC, glad you made it to Texas. I have seen red boots, by the way, so don't think no one wears them in Texas. Welcome to Cowboy Kisses.

  3. Thx Ginger, I stopped by today to see if there were any comments. But if people want a chance to win a e book copy they have got to leave a comment and their email address. Thx!

    1. KC, I forgot to leave my email, which is

  4. I'll push this onto facebook again and add that comment. Like I said...people tend to look, but leave only footprints. :)

  5. Texas Wide Open, sounds like an interesting read. I love strong women characters in a book and Katie sounds like she is. Looking forward to readding it.

  6. Sounds good.Good luck with it. I'm eager to read it.

  7. KC, I like to travel to the area where my stories are set too. It helps to give the story more authenticity. Congrats on what looks like a great read.

  8. Sometimes even Texans have trouble getting Texas right. It's a big state, and the scenery changes A BUNCH from top to bottom and side to side. Good on ya for taking on the challenge as a "foreigner." **grin**

    Your book sounds interesting, KC. There's nothing like a devil-may-care heroine who rips off her clothes and throws herself at the flabbergasted hero. I'll have to round up a copy of this one. :-)

  9. What the heck...I'll add my email., and if there is anyone else who would like to guest they can email me as well. I had someone leave an email on FB, too, but I told her to come here and enter. Best of luck picking a winner. :)


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