Author Pages

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Outlaws by Jane Toombs

The Outlaws Blurb: One decent man, an attractive young woman, and a teen-aged boy obsessed with a legendary bad man--all caught in the crossfire of the West’s bloodiest range war.   

This book is available and offered by a new publisher, Books We Love.  You an find it bargain-priced on Amazon.

Billy the Kid, The Lincoln County War in the New Mexico
Territory and a man with a past he doesn't care to share, an attractive young woman and a teenager fascinated by Billy....

I had a lot of fun writing this Western.  It's one of the many Westens I wrote years ago for Packagers. 

What were Packagers?  Guys who set up concepts and solicited authors to write the books for them to present to publishers.  In this case, their concept was The Making Of America. Since the west played a large part in expanding the United States, many of the books were  Westerns--like The Outlaws.

 The Packagers wanted good research, of course, but packed into a rip-roaring story featuring danger, a lot of shooting, women in peril and sex.  I did my best to match their expectations.  

But because I'm an author, I did this my way, with characters I created to mingle and interact with those legendary ones from the past. And it was fun to write these stories.  I did quite a few Westerns, which I'll be talking about in future posts.

Who am I?

Jane Toombs is my real name, but these stories always used the same pseudonym  for all the books--Lee Davis Willoughby.

Ginger's Note of explanation:  A series of books written by different authors by all under the name pen name...Lee Davis Willoughby is a pseudonym used by William L DeAndrea, Richard Deming, Richard Laymonis, George Ryan, Michael Avallone, and Jane Toombs.  You can Google the name and find the list of books offered on Amazon and see that there are a variety written under the same name all written in the early 1980s.  The Outlaws is the new version of an old book, released by Books We Love, a publisher who gives old books a new life.  Jane has more in the works, so look forward to some more great reads.


  1. Sorry I missed this excellent post yesterday. I enjoyed it. Better late than never I hope.

  2. I'm late to the party, too. Welcome to Cowboy Kisses, Jane!


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