Author Pages

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sad News

One of our authors has been dealing with health issues and the dire illness of her son, and as we all believe family comes first, we understand her need to concentrate on her life away from writing.  Sadly, Sharla Rae's son passed away, and we hope you will all include her in your prayers and thoughts.  Once her heart heals and she's ready, she'll be back to join the group.  We wish her love, hugs and comfort during this difficult time and hope she will take all the time she needs to heal.  We're here for her.

Ginger & Cowboy Kisses Crew


  1. I am so deeply sorry for Sharla Rae's loss. She and her family are in my prayers.

  2. My condolences to Sharla. I will keep her and the family in my prayers.

  3. Sharla also has cancer and has been undergoing treatment herself.

  4. A memorial service for Charla's son, Alan, will be held this coming Sunday. Here's the location, in case anyone is in the area. My husband and I are going.

    Zoeller Funeral Home
    615 Landa St.
    New Braunfels, TX 78130

  5. Ginger, thank you for posting the sad news. Char deeply appreciates the outpouring of prayers and concern from the writing community.

    For those who don't know, Char and I have been friends and critique partners for years.

  6. Chiming in late, but I wanted to add my condolences as well. My heart goes out to her family. I can't imagine losing a child. Char, may you find comfort from the love that surrounds you.

  7. Please also join me in offering prayers for Charla's return to health. I wasn't affair she is fighting Cancer, too.


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