Author Pages

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The New Dime Novel by Paty Jager

Pati, a recently retired member of our group is kind enough to fill in for me (Ginger) today.  Thanks Pati, I know everyone misses your posts already.  :)

I’ve always been intrigued by the Dime Novels that were the rage starting in 1860 in America. They began as short stories about life in the west. Some stories were true, some exaggerated. Some were stories that had been published in magazines and found a new venue in the Dime Novel.  The Dime Novel had stories that captured a nation and kept the growing literate population entertained.

Using the premise of a Dime Novel, I’ve started a series of short stories called Western Duets. They are ebook novellas that have two short western historical romances in them.  I have a file full of short stories that I’ve written as free reads or for promotion. By expanding the stories and in some cases rewriting scenes, I can offer them to readers in a new way.

I’ve read several blogs that state readers are moving toward reading shorter stories. The thought is people are busy and when they do read it is for short periods of time and with short stories they are able to finish them in their “down” time. Also the shorter stories are easier to access on the small screens of the new types of phones and tablets. 

While that all makes some sense and makes me feel like I’m on the cutting edge of the new norm, my main reason for putting out the Western Duets is to entertain my readers between my full length novels. Simple as that. And while they aren’t a dime they are less than a dollar. ;)

Western Duets - Volume One
Shanghaied Heart
Tossed together in the underbelly of a ship, strangers Finn Callaghan and Prudence Hawthorne must learn to trust one another in order to escape, but their freedom may be short lived once Finn discovers Prudence's brother wants her dead.

Last Stand for Love
U.S. Marshal Chas Brown agreed to be Sarah's proxy husband in order for her to keep her dead husband's ranch. Little did Chas know, he’d lose his heart in the process.

Award winning author Paty Jager ranches with her husband of thirty-four years raising hay, cattle, kids, and grandkids. Her first book was published in 2006 and since then she has published seventeen novels and novellas. She enjoys riding horses, playing with her grandkids, judging 4-H contests and fairs, and outdoor activities. You can learn more about Paty and her books at her blog;  her website; or on Facebook;!/paty.jager and twitter;  @patyjag.


  1. Paty, I agree that you are ahead of the curve on this shorter type romance. My critique partner and I are planning something similar. I'm glad to learn you also plan to continue your full length novels. Best wishes for continued success.

  2. HI Caroline,

    Thanks! I have so many short stories I figured I might as well put them to use and give readers something to tide them over.

    Good luck with your short stories.


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