Author Pages

Saturday, April 12, 2014

New Girl!

Hi!  I'm the newbie on the blog.  Just thought I give you more info about me than what's on the author page.

As you can tell by my picture, our son plays baseball.  Hubs is the head coach so we are in the beginning of the season.  Undefeated at 3-0 but the season is young.  Our son is 8 yrs old going on 25 and thinks he knows everything.  LOL!  Being a 3rd grader sure makes them smarter now a days.  I know I wasn't that smart when I was a 3rd grader.  *snort*

One thing about baseball season, it means flip flops, shorts and allergies. As I write this, my head has been pounding for the last two days.  Stupid trees!  Yes, I have tree allergies and I live in East Texas.  Doomed, doomed I say. is serious stuff in the small town I live in.  Its almost like Friday Night Lights during the fall.  I have to remind my husband that the players are only 7 and 8.  Cut them some slack.  And remember, Jeter was this age once.  Not everyone is going to hit, catch the ball but at least they don't play in the dirt anymore.  I miss t-ball but not that much.

I'm not one of those moms that eats, sleeps and breathes baseball.  I don't go to practice, tell my husband how to manage the team and the parents.  I let him do it all but I'm here if he needs my help. Believe it or not, my husband is an introvert.  He needs this to come out of his shell.  I do keep the book on game days and I'm the official scorekeeper most games and this makes me happy.  I consider all the other times Brian and daddy time.  My husband works weird and sometimes long hours, so they need that time together without mom hanging around.  Plus, Brian is coming to that age where I'm embarrassing.  What's wrong with dancing in the aisles at the grocery store?  I can't help it if I like the song.  He he!

I'm pretty much an open book.  You can ask me anything and I'll be honest with you.  I have an author page on Facebook but its easier to just friend me.  I'm always around and love to talk.  Just ask Krista Ames.

On the writing front...I'm currently working on a YA (set in Texas/Oklahoma), a small town contemporary in Oklahoma and a romantic suspense with paranormal elements in Chicago.


  1. Harlie,
    Again, glad to have you join the group. I appreciated learning more about you...always nice to feel a connection with cyber pals. I went through the softball phase with my oldest son, but with the youngest, it was bicycle racing. Talk about stress...and a lot of driving to all the races statewide. He's always been a daredevil, but I'm long past your stage of life. My baby just turned 39, but he still scares the bejeesus out of me. :) I'm looking forward to your post next month to see what type of historical research info you'll teach us. Again...welcome to Cowboy Kisses.

  2. Welcome to a great blog. So nice to know more about you. I went to school in Nacogdoches. East Texas is so pretty. My kids are all grown now but my son did little league for two years and soccer for two years. He decided to forgo sports for things like Destination Imagination and band while my daughter did Girl Scouts, choir, and gymnastics. Kids will definitely keep you busy.

  3. Thanks Ginger and Ciara!

    I'm going to share a bit about my small East Texas town next time. :)

    Love Nac! Beautiful down there.


  4. Welcome, Harlie. I love in the Fort Worth area. What town are you from?


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