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Monday, July 21, 2014

A Collection of Old Washing Machines

While at a family reunion this past weekend, we attended pioneer days in a small town along the Canadian border. I was amazed by the collection of old washing machines an elderly couple had on display.  The man and woman were very knowledgeable about all the machines, and enjoyed showing how each one of them worked. 

Here are a few:

This was one of the first washers with an electric motor. 

This one had a hand crank with wooden baffles.

An advertisement taped to another one like the one above.

Here was a washboard with a wringer and tubs. 

And this one had plungers on the lid that when closed and rocked stirred the clothes about. 

The couple also had this great collection of clothes irons. 

My husband and I enjoyed talking with this couple. Almost all of their items had been collected from their parents and grandparents. 


1 comment:

  1. Lauri, Aren't we fortunate to have modern appliances. The display makes me wonder what the future of appliances will become, though. I suppose someday our implements will seem as cumbersome as those in your photos.


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