Author Pages

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It's Important for Author's To Read by Ginger Simpson #reading #writingtips

I have the benefit of sharing my daily blog with a very smart lady, Rita Karnopp, and her blogs give me fodder to share with you.  I was particularly impressed with her post yesterday in which she emphasized how important it is for us as authors to continue to read, thus learning and honing our craft.  I'm an avid reader, and until she mentioned how we often read something and either consider it an amateur mistake or something crafty we might try in an upcoming work-in-progress, I hadn't considered how often I'm stunned by content.  Since we are constantly under going the "red pencil" phase, I believe most of us read with an editorial eye, and that can be as helpful as it is annoying.

In her post, Rita mentioned that dancers are sure to study the style and movements of their peers, just as artists eye the creations of their competition.  Reading allows us to not only absorb a good story, but learn which pitfalls to avoid. I'm pretty sure if you read page after page of needless tags, that problem is going to stick in your head and remind you to avoid repeating the same error in your writing.  The same with the use of repetitive words in the same paragraph that show a lack of imagination or indicate a lazy writer.

The one thing I often hear from my peers, "I don't have time to read," is a farce.  There is always time to read, whether it be while sitting in the doctor's reception area, waiting for a bus, standing in a long grocery line or just taking a break from writing. How about in the bathroom?  One should always have a book or e-reader in hand because you never know what you will learn, and it sure helps to pass the time in a constructive way.

Thanks to my pal, Rita for always being a source of great information, and to her credit, I happily share the cover and blurb of one of her finest my opinion.  If there are problems in this book, I was so engrossed in the story, I didn't even notice.  This is a mixture of history, futuristic, and is a real thriller to boot.

White Berry on the Red Willow 

As predicted in the Ghost Dance Vision, life has come full circle in 2054. The Blackfeet now control Yellowstone National Park, where the buffalo have multiplied, as have the people themselves. 

Outside the Indian lands thousands are dying of Quake Fever every day. Doctor Alcina Hancock struggles to find a cure before her mother dies. Thrust into the world of the Indians, she not only discovers what it will take to save her people, but also herself. 

Ekuskini, son of the Blackfeet chief, revels in the demise of the non-Indian. Then he meets Alcina and finds himself searching the old ones for the answers. Together Alcina and Ekuskini realize they must learn from the past and use it to make things better for the future of all people.

You can find your copy on Amazon.



  1. Hi Ginger,
    Great blog. And what you say about an author reading is very true. I do read a bit but not as much as I should.


  2. Great post, Ginger. You're right, writers should continue to read. I've been lack of late, but I'm attempting to remedy that.
    I think I lost interest because I read, as you pointed out, with an editors eye. I've noticed even the big name writers leave a lot to be desired lately. I think they need new editors. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I can't even imagine not making time to read!

  4. Hi Ginger!

    I've read White Berry Red Willow and thought it was an amazingly creative story.

    My husband gets pissed o when I read in front of the TV--he says I can't watch and read, but mostly, and especially if you are watching shows with ads--you can! Besides, multi-tasking is a natural feature of woman's life...

  5. I never understand people who say they don't read because they write. Great post, Ginger.

  6. Hi Ginger,

    Great post. Reading the work of an author I can really connect with is what keeps me going!

  7. That was a great post. Reading is a very important part of my life - books are important and I need to "own" them, not borrow them at the Library. Both as a writer, albeit one who hasn't been published yet, and a reader, I find that I need both in my life. I cannot imagine spending a day without at least reading a couple of pages.


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