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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Poem and link to more #thanksgiving

Roar from the Bunkhouse
Nary a thing to eat Thanksgivin'
   Only tin can truck!
Gettin' tired of such a livin',
   Blame the orn'ry luck!
Nothin' only beans an' bacon
   Pard, excuse these tears!
Seems jest like we've been fursaken
   Darn this punchin' steers!

Folks back home are jest a-stuffin'
   Turkey-meat an' pie;
At them feed-fests there's no bluffin';
   Gosh, it makes me sigh!
No sich dinner for us fellers
   In this camp appears;
Turkey ain't fer cowboys' smellers
   Darn this punchin' steers!

Weather soggy-like an' murky;
   Makes me mighty blue;
Thinkin' of Thanksgivin' turkey
   Makes me h'umsick, too.
Sour-dough bread an' canned tomaters
   Ain't th' grub that cheers;
Oh fer pie an' mashed pertaters!
   Darn this punchin' steers!

Bunkhouse bunch are sick as blazes
   Bein' fed this way;
Gettin' so th' maynoo raises
  Sam Hill ev'ry day!
ev'ry mother's son a-kickin'
  When th' truck appears!
Never git a sniff o' chicken
   Darn this punchin' steers!

Same ol' bread an' beans furever!
   Gosh, we'd like a change!
Reck'n we won't git it never
   While we ride th' range!
Oh, fer some o' mother's cookin;
   That's th' dope that cheers!
Guess my callin' I've mistooken
   DARN this punchin' steers!

by E. A. Brininstool, from Trail Dust of a Maverick, 1914

I'm so sorry that I didn't come across the Thanksgiving poetry page sooner so I could obtain permission to reprint all those pertinent, but the best I can do is share the url and hope you will enjoy the works of some talented poets who capture the essence of Thanksgiving in the Old West.

Here's wishing all my friends the happiest of Thanksgivings!!!


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