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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Round Robin with Ginger Simpson #rndrobin 0115

I apologize for posting a non-western topic on Cowboy Kisses, but I've been particpating in this monthly event for quite a while, and this month, my blog partner, Rita Karnopp, is joining in.  I know she'll have some interesting feedback to Rhobin Courtrights intuitive questions, so I don't want to be an obstacle so I've moved my own post.  While you're here...peruse some of the great posts of my fellow western authors. *lol*

This month's topic is:  What is your favorite time and place to read? How about writing time? Do you have to make time? 

Do you have a ritual or is your plan helter-skelter? I had a quilting teacher who followed the Swiss-cheese method to completing tasks: Make a hole here, and sometime later a hole there; keep repeating this until the whole thing is complete. What's your method?

Well,I guess I'll be honest. My retired life is "helter-skelter" when it come to anything.  When I worked, I lived on a schedule and was organized.  In fact, I wrote my debut novel during my lunch hours and breaks.  As a retired person, I stay up late, sleep in, and don't have a scheduled time for anything.  My reading and writing time has suffered because I spend far too much time on social media because I miss my friends, and for whatever reason, my characters seem to sense my disorganization and don't speak to me as often as they often used too.  

Right now, I have visitors through the winter, and I'm trying to change my life style by adding exercise and altering my diet.  I guess I've made my health a priority, and that's a good thing, but I often think I need to find another job so I can get myself organized again.  

Okay, now I've shared my answer...check out the following participants and see what they've said:

A.J. Maguire
Geeta Kakade 
Margaret Fieland
Skye Taylor
Marci Baun
Fiona McGier
Connie Vines
Beverley Bateman
Rita Karnopp
Rachael Kosnski
Helena Fairfax
Heidi M. Thomas
Ginger Simpson
Rhobin Courtright


  1. Is it interesting how our lives change? Hated being tied to an office everyday but it made me more organized. Love having the freedom to do whatever I want but somehow life gets in the way. Thanks for the post, Ginger.

  2. Putting your health first is always a good idea. And I agree, it's harder to be organized when we're not working.

  3. I agree health is the most important aspect for you at this moment. However, I see your books publishing frequently and your social media presence is still very strong. Ginger, you my dear, are a master juggler!

  4. Your lifestyle and writing reading times sound like mine. I was so organized when I worked and now that I don't have to dance to someone else's piping, I love the freedom that allows. I read late, read when I want to and any moment that nothing else is going on. And I write when my characters talk to me. Fortunately they are more organized than I am and they talk to me a lot.

  5. I'm looking forward to someday "only" having 1 job, instead of the 3 I work now. Even just 1 full-time job would be better, instead of having to spread myself so thin every day.

    I'm too far from retirement to even dream of that. But I can only hope that my characters will keep talking to me, telling me their stories.

    As for social media, I refer to FB as "the time-sucking vortex that is Facebook."


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