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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Touring Texas and the South - Sue Horsnell

Hi Everyone

As many of you know, hubby and I have been visiting the US over the past few weeks.
First off we arrived in Fort Worth where we were hosted by the very lovely Caroline Clemmons and her wonderful husband. The day after we arrived, it snowed! Yep, we brought snow to Texas!

Needless to say, we spent the next couple of days indoors getting to know our hosts very well. If I thought they were a lovely couple before, I soon realized they were special. 
The following day we had the pleasure of meeting some very special authors who I had talked with via the magic of computer - Lyn Horner, Carra Copelin, Kirsten Osbourne, Hebby Roman and Brenda Chitwood. It was also a pleasure meeting their partners and the gorgeous daughter of Caroline. After all the excitement, it became time to leave and begin our adventure. 

The first stop was Fredericksburg, a small town in the Texas hill country which was founded in 1846. A landmark on the corner is the Pacific Museum. The building was originally the old Nimitz Steamboat Hotel, owned and operated by Admiral Chester W Nimitz's grandfather - Charles Henry Nimitz Snr. It is where Chester spent the early part of his childhood.

The town was founded and settled by Germans and the town has retained this heritage. There is a real 'western' feel to this endearing town.

Main Street Fredericksburg

Main Street Fredericksburg

Statue of Admiral Chester W Nimitz outside Pacific Museum

Pacific Museum once known as the Nimitz Steamboat Hotel
From Fredericksburg we headed to San Antonio, this turned out to be the highlight of my trip. We stayed almost opposite The Alamo and my hubby was dragged through it every day of our stay. "Research" is what I convinced him it was and whilst this was true, fascination with the history was the real reason. I could almost 'feel' the battle, the stand off, the grief. I devoured every word that was spoken by the guides, examined every gun, sword, uniform, piece of information. What an amazing time in history. To stand where Bowie, Crockett, William B Travis and so many others fought so valiantly was poignant, the visit was one I will never forget. 

The Alamo Church

The Alamo Memorial

Further up the street we found the cathedral - San Fernandos. It is said the burned remains of the Alamo heroes have been laid to rest in a marble casket near the left side entrance. This is disputed by some but those who examined the charred ashes stated there were pieces of uniforms which could have belonged to Bowie, Crockett or Travis. Fact or fiction? I don't know but I like to believe they have a peaceful resting place for eternity.

San Fernandos

Marble Casket

While in San Antonio we walked a large part of the Riverwalk, experienced the vibrant colors of the various restaurants, admired the gorgeous gardens scattered with statues and watched boatloads of people experience the joy of floating down the river canal.

Riverwalk Boat


Statue on Riverwalk


This was our first week. The time is almost here for us to return to Australia and although it will be nice to return home to our fur family and human family, I will miss being here. Over the next few months I will show you more of our trip and hope you enjoy a few more historical facts.
Sue Horsnell - Western Romance Author


  1. Lovely post, Sue. I've lived in Texas most of my life and have been to San Antonio (one of my favorite places) numerous times. I am embarrassed to admit I didn't know about the marble casket at San Fernando church. I'll be looking forward to seeing more detail of your trip.

  2. I'm so glad you and your husband are having such a good time. Loved the pictures. Too bad we couldn't get together, too, and of course I want to meet Caroline. Lucky you!

  3. Thanks Caroline and Jacquie.
    Jacquie, you will have to try and catch up with Caroline, her hubby and daughter - the nicest people.

  4. Thanks for the virtual tour!


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