Author Pages

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Get To Know Me Better

My writing space

As an author, I spend most of my day at the computer writing, promoting and keeping up with social media. As a reader, I enjoy getting to know the authors’ whose works I’ve read. I do this mostly through Facebook. I’ve met many people and made some great friendships. This is important to me. Why? Because I enjoy meeting people and getting to know them outside of their author persona. Which got me to thinking—it’s important for readers to know something about the authors they like other than the books she’s written. Author interviews help to form a bond between reader and author, so for this month’s post, I thought I’d share a little more about me to create more of a personal bond between you and me.

The hubby and me at the rodeo
Many know I’m originally from upstate New York, so when I make snarky jokes on Facebook about New York’s weather, it’s because I can relate to the heat and humidity and the cold and snow. I married my hubby two years after high school and accompanied him on his twenty-year career with the Air Force. We’ve been stationed in Illinois, New Jersey, Colorado and Virginia. Through his work and mine, we have met a lot of nice people and still maintain those friendships today. The best job I ever had, outside of being a mom, wife and author, was as a collection agent for the Air Force while stationed in Jersey. My boss had tremendous faith in me and gave me several responsibilities above my pay grade. One such responsibility was to work with the legal department. I got to know a few of the lawyers very well, and they got to know and depend on me, so much that when I was out of work for a month due to illness and a case came up, they waited for me to return instead of relying on a coworker, who was just as capable as me, to testify.

Eleven Mile Canyon, CO
Colorado was the nicest duty assignment as far as scenery and way of life. The Jersey shore is pretty in spots and has the best lemonade (I think it has something to do with the salt air) but the Rocky Mountains are breathtaking and rich with history. It’s little wonder we retired back to Colorado to raise our son. Speaking of the kiddo, I had him later on in life, which was a good thing. It gave the hubby and me time to ourselves and time to become financially stable to raise a child. Quitting work to be a stay-at-home mom was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I’ve been home for over a decade and honestly, I wouldn’t go back to a 9-5 job for anything. I really like being at home and being here for my son.

Loretta Lynn
I’m a child of the 80’s, leg-warmers, big shoulder pads, even bigger hair and rock/pop music. Before that, I was raised on country and western. Loretta Lynn and George Strait are my favorites. I spent most of the 90’s as a concert junkie, as country music came into its own back then and was everywhere, even in New York City! I saw everyone I wanted to see, with the exception of Alan Jackson, because where I was he wasn’t, but the hubby saw him when Alan gave a free concert at the Pentagon after 9/11. I remember dragging the hubby off to see Vince Gill, and when Vince started to jam on the guitar, the hubby was impressed. (He’s not one for country. He prefers his rock and roll.) Sammy Kershaw earned a laugh or two from the hubby and Garth Brooks earned his respect. And Billy Joel, the NY boy who made it to the bigtime, was a night neither of us will forget. And the kiddo—well, he loved Heidi from Trick Pony when he was little, so I snagged backstage passes and took him to meet her. At four years old, he was speechless and could only stare up at her. Heidi was really sweet and knelt down to chat with him for a minute.

The things I love the most outside of family and home are  Nova (our 85lb German Shepherd) iced tea, my truck and my slippers. If I could wear slippers to the store and out in the snow I’d be happier than a bear hibernating all winter. Nova has a weird attachment to my slippers; she uses them as a pillow and growls if someone comes near them. Sage is my favorite plant, horses and dogs my favorite animal and currently NCIS L.A. is my favorite drama and The Big Bang Theory my favorite comedy. John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara are my favorite actors. Veal is my favorite food, and grey and purple my favorite colors. Sticky notes are my best friend. I keep a weekly schedule of all I need to accomplish, and I enjoy hearing from you. Visit my website for a link to contact me ( And the last thing to tell you; I am one of the most boring people you’ll ever meet.        


  1. I love this post, Julie! So fun to get to know more about you! And what a great idea! :)
    Smiles from this online friend who greatly admires you!

  2. Hi Shana! I am a big admirer of you and your work, too! Hugs and Thank you!

  3. Hi Julie! Loved this! How nice to get to know more about you! You've had an exciting life with all the traveling you've done and the places you've lived.

    We've got a lot in common--I'm a huge country music fan, but living here in OK it's only natural. Vince Gill is one of my favorite artists AND people--an all around nice guy with a huge heart and MEGA talent in so many musical areas--and a fantastic golfer, too.

    I'm really impressed by your neat desk and work space. Mine is really a mess compared to that! LOL


  4. Hi Julie,
    So nice to get to know you better. Love the 80's. What a decade LOL. Take care!

  5. Great post...I think we should follow your lead and each share a similar post. Nice to get to know someone better that I already consider a friend.

  6. Not boring at all, Julie. I live in Texas but think Colorado is beautiful. Wish I could live there in the summer months.

  7. Welcome to Cowboy Kisses, Julie. My son is in the air force. He's spent most of his time in Alaska.

  8. Hi Paty:
    Alaska is said to be one of the prettiest and best places to get stationed with the AF. I know several folks who have been there and would go back for another tour. My only contact with Alaska came when I worked at Peterson AFB and Clear AS was one of the smaller stations we serviced. The hubby, in his contractors job, services them now. One day, he may have a chance to visit. Hugs! And my best to your son. Please pass along out 'Thanks" to him for his service.

  9. Hi Caroline: Anytime you want to visit, let me know. Colorado is pretty in the summer. Some times Pikes Peak has snow on it in July!


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