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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Cover Reveal and Blurb for Arizona Sky - Coiming Soon from BWL #newrelease

To be released any day now...Arizona Sky. Make sure and check Books We Love for availability, and order your preferred format and pay with your credit card or Paypal.  Woo Hoo!!

No matter how hard he tried to prevent them, images of her naked body played in his mind.  Clearly, she had more of an effect on him than he’d planned.  When had he started thinking of her less as a girl and more as a woman?  He hadn’t really seen it coming. 

  Now, outlined in the moonlight, her full lips, slender neck, and soft curves begged for attention.  He wasn’t as experienced as most men but had learned in the bed of a local saloon whore who knew her trade well.  Memories stirred his desire.

Clinging to his gentlemanly manners, he escorted Odessa to the lobby door and doffed his hat.  “I promised you some privacy, so I’m gonna go see to the horses.  I’ll be back to the room later.”

“But wait….” Her voice summoned him back. “Don’t you want to take a bath, too?”

He widened his eyes, afraid to ask the question that leapt into his mind. Was she proposing he join her?

All you have to do if you like what you read is go to my BWL page, click on the cover of the book you like, and you'll be taken to the page at Payloadz where you can download for a really good price.  It's that easy!

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