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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Another Cup of Coffee

 By Alison Bruce

Scene by a campfire...

"I see a sock in that pot."


"You doin' laundry or makin' coffee?"


"Good. Can't drink laundry water."

"Did last week."

"But it smelled like Cookie's soup."

"That it did."
"There are many things that a cowboy can do without. Coffee is not one of them." 
(Cowboy Coffee, American Cowboy.)
I may be allergic to horses and other livestock. I might not be able to throw a rope or hit the broadside of a barn, I have a cowboy's need for coffee. I'm practically famous for being a serious coffee drinker. Imagine my chagrin finding out there was a method of brewing I hadn't heard about - Sock Coffee.
"Also known as “hobo” or “open-pot” coffee, this calls for putting the grounds into a (clean) sock and chucking it into the coffee pot... If you’d rather not use one of your socks, use a muslin bag or a commercially made coffee sock. Let steep until desired strength is achieved."
(Cowboy Coffee, American Cowboy.)
I honestly thought someone was having me on when they mentioned Sock Coffee. However, once I saw an example, it made perfect sense. It's the mama of the drip coffee filter and close cousin to the teabag. Supposedly the first cup tastes a bit odd, but after a while it makes a great brew.

Step 1 - Put cold water in the cup and medium to coarse ground coffee in the sock. Use 2 scoops of coffee to every 12 ounces of water.

You can do this in individual mugs. Just buy a commercial coffee sock (see above) or maybe a baby's sock will do the trick.

Step 2 - This part is so controversial, I couldn't find any real cowboys to demonstrate.

You either put the sock in the cold water and bring the water to a boil. then you take the pot off the stove and let it sit a while. OR...

You boil the water. Let it come off the boil, then pour the water over the coffee in a sock which is in a second pot (or mug). You let it steep for five minutes or until it's as strong as you like it. (I Need Coffee.)

Everyone agrees on Step 3 - Pour the coffee and enjoy with a friend.


  1. never heard that one before. going to tell hubby about it. lol

  2. I'm curious to try it now. I even have a big ol' coffee pot to use.

  3. Fun post! We make campfire coffee all the time but I've never tried a sock.


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