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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Cowboy Slang & Humor

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Every generation has its own slang and humor. The same can be said for an era. The 1800’s is no exception. The cowboys from the Wild West had some colorful and funny expressions. I shared some with you last year and have chosen more to share with you this year. Enjoy!    

All horns and rattles: a person displaying a fit of temper

Among the willows: a person dodging the law

Bangtail: a mustang or wild horse

Barkin’ at a knot: trying to accomplish the impossible
Case of slow: a loser in a gunfight

Chew gravel: to get thrown from a horse

Couldn’t drive nails in a snow bank: said of an ignorant person

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Didn’t have a tail feather left: one cleaned out at the gambling tables, or one thoroughly broke

Dough belly or dough boxer: slang for the cook

Duffer: codger, or useless fellow

Educated thirst: a man who drinks champagne or fancy mixed drinks

Fence lifter: a very hard rain

Fish: a yellow oilskin slicker

Flag his kite: leave in a hurry

Full war paint: a cowboy’s best Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes

Grabbin’ the brandin’ iron by the hot end: taking a chance

Guns on the table: fair play

Gut-warmer: slang for whiskey

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Hair case: slang for a hat

Heart-and-hand woman: a wife obtained through a matrimonial agency

Hide-out: a shoulder holster (I found this one interesting because my first instinct was a place where outlaws lay low)

Idaho brain storm: a twister or a cylindrical sandstorm

Ivories: poker chips

Jaw cracker: a traveling dentist

Just a ball of air: a very thin cow or calf.
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  1. Love the phrases! Thanks for posting.

  2. So fun, Julie! These remind me of calendars my dad used to get when I was a kid.


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