Author Pages

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

#WomenoftheWest Calamity Jane

How many haven't at least tried to watch Deadwood (remember the series?)? I tried, needless to say, I picked up season 1 after going through every season of Justified. Then finding out Timothy O. also was in Deadwood, I wanted to give it a try. Definitely slow moving and gritty. I didn't mind the gritty, but some episodes I had to keep myself from fast-forwarding through. Needless to say, one day I plan on trying out season 2  - I just don't know when I'll be brave enough.

In any case, Calamity Jane makes her "appearance" in Deadwood (and, if we're being honest, I didn't care much at all for her character).

She grew up to act and look like a man ..but was known for her quick draw as much as she was her kindness.

In 1870 she joined with Custer as a scout at Fort Russell, opting to wear the uniform of a soldier and birthing Calamity Jane. In 1876, after recovering from an illness, she set out on her orders to head to Fort Laramie where she met Wild Bill Hickok. Both being heavy drinkers, they instantly connected. Together they headed to Deadwood, South Dakota.

While there has always been speculation that the two were romantically involved, there is absolutely nothing to confirm this.

Upon living in Deadwood, she took one of the roughest 50 mile routs for the Pony Express in Black Hill Country.

Once Wild Bill had been killed at a poker table, Jane kept to her lifestyle of drinking and traveling around. By August of 1903 she was back in Deadwood and dying. Her dying wish was to be buried by Bill (which was granted).

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