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Monday, December 12, 2016

The Spirit of Christmas

The Spirit of Christmas
by Kathleen Ball

I've been disheartened as of late by all the sad posts on Facebook. A few said their Christmas joy had been striped from them. My heart hurts for them. 

Christmas is a time of year we are told is the happiest time of the year. It's a bad time for those who struggle financially, emotionally and feel as though their wold is upside down. I wish I had words of wisdom to help. 

Being kind to one another is a start. Smile at someone you don't know. I'm always surprised by how many smile back. Open the door for someone, or wave to your neighbor when you see them. There are many ways to be kind without spending a penny. 

I'm not sure why kindness isn't a natural thing for many. An act of kindness can make someone's day. I was taught to be kind, helpful and understanding. My mother was all these things. My dad always helped others. 

Social media has highlighted for me just how mean people can be. I don't understand why? I never feel better being mean. I always feel awful- but that's me.

To me the Spirit of Christmas is inside each of us if we can find it. It's the little things for me. Today the sun is shining and I'm grateful. My life isn't always full of sunshine and good times. I know what it's like to miss a loved one at the holidays. I know what it's like to count your pennies to see if you can afford a good gift.

I never used to understand the saying it's better to give than receive. I've had times where I have given and gotten nothing in return. I'm grateful I'm in a place this year where I truly understand why it's better to give than receive. It makes my heart sing. 

I wrote my Christmas book in August and at first it was hard to get into the Christmas feeling. When it's over 100 degrees outside it's a very difficult thing. Then I remembered where the spirit of Christmas could be found. To me it's the wonder and joy in a child's eyes when they are awed by the the little things in life. It's the same joy I remember as a child. I grabbed a hold of the joyous feeling and wrote. 

Be a giver not a taker and be kind!

Poor Boy's Christmas

Mail Order Brides of Texas
The Greatest Gift
ONLY 99 cents

Poor Boy's Christmas
It’s Christmas in Asherville, Texas and Poor Boy finally comes home. He’s no longer the waif we grew to love; he is very much a man now. As the stage coach approaches his beloved town he spots Sheriff Shane O’Conner riding off after a pair of bank robbers. Poor Boy, the new deputy quickly finds a horse and races after them. One of the robbers is killed and to his surprise the other outlaw is a beautiful young woman. 

Molly McDonagh is heartbroken, the last of her family is dead. Now she’s in jail waiting to hang. Bounty hunters soon come to see if she is another wanted female outlaw and Shane decides Poor Boy needs to take his prisoner to a ranch where they can hide out as brother and sister.

How can something as sweet and wonderful as love be so very painful? Loving someone you know is going to swing from a rope is agony. Poor Boy knows Christmas is a time for miracles but he’s never experienced one before. Can he truly give away his heart to someone who has no future? Can living for the moment be uplifting or is it sheer heartbreak? 

The Greatest Gift
Upon hearing screams, handsome rancher, Foster O’Donnell races to his barn and finds a stranger giving birth. When he tells her his name, she screams he can’t be Foster O’Donnell. Foster O’Donnell is the father of her baby. Can Christmas change their mutual distrust? Will Foster and Ginger find The Greatest Gift?

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, Kathleen. I was taught to smile and say hello to people, too. Sometimes we might be the only ones that speak to them all day. Christmas is the season of giving and kindness is always free.

    I loved Poor Boy's Christmas. For anyone wondering if it's worth their busy time, it most definitely is.

    Merry Christmas.


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