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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year!

We’ve ushered in 2017 and bid farewell to 2016. Some may be sad to see 2016 end. Change is often hard. And some may be thrilled to welcome a new year. There are different goals to work toward, resolutions to be made (and broken), and more opportunities for success. Hard work nets that feeling of satisfaction gained by a job completed and completed well.
Here at Cowboy Kisses we’ve gone through some changes in 2016 and welcome the challenge of success in 2017. Our first change comes in the form of the Cowboy Kisses founder. As some of you may know, Ginger Simpson has retired. Selfishly, I took over the blog because I didn’t want to see it disappear. Neither did the Cowboy Kisses team, as we all share a great love for all things western. It’s been a crash course learning the necessary steps and procedures to maintain the blog, and I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of the Cowboy Kisses authors. Their encouragement and generosity is most appreciated and has often brought tears to my eyes. I value each of these ladies, not only in a business sense, but their friendship. All are truly special to me.
Our second change centers around our roster of authors. We lost some contributors last year but have gained some new talent; Patti Sherry-Crews, Letisha Stanton, Andrea Downing and Heather Frey Blanton. Please give a warm welcome to them, take a peek at the schedule for their dates, and visit their author pages to get to know them better. They bring to the team fresh voices and blogs meant to entertain and share.
The overall theme of Cowboy Kisses has not changed. We each have our days to blog and try our best to meet this schedule. Life sometimes gets in the way, but rest assured, if you’re a fan of western romance, Cowboy Kisses remains strong and intact. To further keep you engaged with the blog and our authors, I invite you to check out our Facebook group page. There you can gain insight to upcoming western releases and chat with the Cowboy Kisses team. We also host a Round-Up party in the fall, so be sure to check the group page later in the year for more info.    
I look forward to serving you and our authors in 2017. Let’s make this a great year and put the Cowboy Kisses blog to the top of the charts.
Julie Lence

Cowboy Kisses Facebook Group page:


  1. We're all so pleased that you took over, Julie. Ginger will be missed. :-)

  2. Thank you for keeping Cowboy Kisses going, Julie, and for being the glue that holds us all together!


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