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Friday, January 13, 2017

War Knows no Color

Taken from his home, his identity stolen from him, his family torn apart, Strong Eagle Grey faces an uncertain destiny. Sold into slavery, he has a choice. He can conform, do what the overseers ask of him, follow the example of all the others who were captured, or he can fight. Born the son of a Chief, he doesn’t feel the choice really exists.
There is a lot of myth surrounding the relationship between Blacks and Native Americans. The first recorded contact dates back as far as 1502 in Hispanola. It was not as romantic as some people may think. Early Natives in fact had a system of slavery before the arrival of Colonial settlers. The type of slavery the Natives believed in, however, often did not include the exclusion of the slave from a family unit.
Slaves of Natives were taken in as family members or replacements for loved ones lost in battles as well as servants. As the land was settled by white colonists, raiding parties did not differentiate between blacks or whites. All were fair game in their eyes. If you were captured or sold to them, then you belonged to them. Rumors and fright spread through new settlements about the intentions of any approaching Natives they met. Slaves learned to fear the Natives as much as their masters did.


Struggling with his identity as a man of color, even when he was among the people, Strong sets out with the belief that the slaves are a dishonorable people, unwilling to fight for their freedom. Though his mother had been a captive among the people, being married to his father made her a queen, not like these blacks. Though his skin was dark like theirs, he feels he will never cower before the white man the way the slaves do.
He quickly discovers, however, that the enslaved blacks have their own system of survival and rebellion. Taken under the wing of a strong capable blacksmith, Strong learns how the blacks care for each other, watch out for each other, teach each other. He is taught map reading and blacksmithy while under the blacksmiths tutelage.
Taking the example of his mentor, Strong begins to share what he learns with others he encounters, regardless of their race or gender, as long as they are teachable. When an opportunity presents itself for him to escape to freedom, he takes it, using his mapping skills to become a guide through the hills. When a job leads him into Indian Territory, he is once again faced with an internal conflict. He is a guide, he is a blacksmith, he is a black man, but he is also a Native.


When the stirrings of Civil War begins he has the choice to join in or remain an impartial guide and translator in Indian Country, or join in to fight against those who took him from his family in the first place. The choice is a clear one. Once the decision is made, however, Strong discovers he can no longer fight simply for vengeance, not simply for the loss of his own family. He must learn the true meaning of brotherhood as he fights alongside whites and blacks alike. War Knows no color.  

Book Three of The Destiny Series, "Destiny's Legacy", will be available this year. In the meantime, please feel free to get caught up with my first two title, "Destiny's Porpose" and Destiny's Legacy at or

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