Author Pages

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Cowboy Kisses Update

Greetings! It is with much sadness Cowboy Kisses says goodbye to 2 authors, Kathleen Tighe Ball and Charlene. Both have left the blog to further their writing careers. If you're a fan of these ladies, all is not lost. They can still be found on our Facebook group sharing their latest news and releases.

It is with much happiness Cowboy Kisses welcomes Barbara Catlin and Claire McEwen to the blog. Please give these talented ladies a warm greeting. Barbara will blog on the 4th Monday and Claire will blog on the 2nd Monday, to begin in June 2017. Until their respective dates, be sure to check out their websites and author pages.



  1. Hi, Julie! Thanks for the update. You're doing a great job and I appreciate the time you put into this.

    Thanks to Kathleen and Char for their posts here and good luck to future endeavors! I've had the pleasure of working with both of them on projects.

    Welcome Barbara and Claire! I look forward to getting to know both of you better.

  2. You have a sad as well as a happy news to share. I bid farewell to the ladies and wish them all the best for their careers. I welcome the ladies to the blog and hope to read their writings soon.


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