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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Pendleton Round-Up

by Shanna Hatfield

One of the sweet historical western series I write is set in Pendleton, Oregon.

From the moment I began writing the series, I knew one of the books had to encompass the very first year of the Pendleton Roundup - 1910.

You might wonder what the big deal is about "another rodeo," but the Northwest Frontier Round-Up, or The Roundup as it was called in numerous newspaper articles, was such a huge event, they ran special trains from Portland just to bring attendees to see it.

As I poured over old city newspapers from that month before the event, I was quite surprised to find the paper ran at least one story every day leading up to The Roundup.

From my understanding, the idea for The Roundup came into being that July and quickly gathered steam along with supporters. It was decided to hold an event which would "bring back the feel of the Old West" in conjunction with the Eastern Oregon District Fair taking place the last week of September.

Organizers wanted the first Round-Up to be a "frontier exhibition of picturesque pastimes, Indian and military spectacles, cowboy racing, and bronco busting for the championship of the Northwest.

For the initial performance all businesses in town were asked to close. People were asked to open their homes to out-of-town attendees since there weren't rooms enough at the area hotels to accommodate them.

The very first show went off with a bang, with a reported 7,000 people in attendance and hundreds left outside the gates, wanting in. Not about to miss out on an opportunity, organizers raced to build another 3,000 bleacher seats before the second performance began the following afternoon.

And the slogan heard throughout town that weekend was "Let 'er Buck" - a phrase still popular with attendees today.

The Pendleton Round-Up was the first in the country to crown a queen.

Another unique attraction was the encampment of tipis behind the rodeo grounds with participants from the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla tribes. That encampment continues today.

Souvenirs of all types were sold to the thousands crowding into the city.

And cheers rang out at the exciting, breath-taking events held in the arena, including the wild horse race, captured by Lee Moorehouse.

As the initial show drew to an end, one newspaper reporter wrote: "The words 'Pendleton' and 'Round-Up' are on the lips of thousands and will continue to be for months and years to come... The Round-Up is a whirlwind success."

Since 1910, the show has gone on every year except for two during World War II and continues to draw thousands of spectators each September.

If was such fun for me to incorporate so many fun little moments of history and the Round-Up into Dally, Pendleton Petticoats Book 8.

She’s ready to spread her wing and fly…
            He’s scrambling to set down roots.

Unconventional, Dally Douglas is as likely to be found wearing her brother’s britches and riding a horse as she is dressed in lace-trimmed finery sipping tea in the parlor. With no plans to wed, she convinces her family to allow her to stay at their ranch in Oregon. Free and unfettered, she plans to remain that way, even when the town’s beloved young doctor returns home and captures both her interest and her heart.

Charismatic, handsome, and dedicated to his work, Doctor Nik Nash finally makes his way back to Pendleton. After years of studying and gaining hands-on experience, Nik is excited to bring his skills and knowledge to the place he calls home. Focused on his career, he has no time for a woman, especially not one as lively, fascinating, and enchanting as Dally Douglas.

When a freak accident brings the two of them together, their stubborn determination may cost them the chance to know true love.

     Dally clenched every muscle in her body and held her breath as her brother eased onto the back of the blindfolded horse in the middle of the arena. In theory, the blindfold would keep the horse calm until the rider gained his seat on the saddle.
     The way the bronc tensed and his ears twitched, Dally had an idea the animal was anything except calm.
     Cautious yet determined, Hunter slid onto the stock saddle and took the rein in his hand. He hunkered down and grinned, then yelled, “Let ’er Buck!” and the man holding the horse tugged off the blindfold.

     The horse bucked and pitched, kicked and reared, putting on quite a show, but so did Hunter.


Available May 18 on Amazon:

 USA Today Bestselling Author Shanna Hatfield writes character-driven romances with relatable heroes and heroines. Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.”
Convinced everyone deserves a happy ending, this hopeless romantic is out to make it happen one story at a time. When she isn’t writing or indulging in chocolate (dark and decadent, please), Shanna hangs out with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller.

Find Shanna’s books at:

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  1. Hi Shanna! first of all I want that souvenir pin! so cool. Never having been to Oregon, I was surprised to hear about the big roundup there.(I had to look twice to see which state we were talking about). Very interesting, especially about the native Americans who gather there. I've been reading about the Indian wars in TX at end of 19thc, and one of the many interesting things to me was the introduction of the wild west shows in the 20thc. The former enemies joining together to react battles for the amusement of the crowds. Good luck with your book! Looks great!

  2. Thank you, Patti! So appreciate your comments. The Pendleton Round-Up drew crowds from the very first show and continues to do so today. Such a fun time of year for participants and the crowds attending!


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