Author Pages

Monday, October 9, 2017

Her Hometown Cowboy

Something exciting is happening next week. Well, exciting for me that is, but hopefully exciting for readers as well. My very first novella, Her Hometown Cowboy, will be released on October 17th!

And that’s not all. It’s part of a collection of ten small town novellas called Falling for You. Each novella was written by an author who has also written for Harlequin’s Superromance line, which features complex, emotional contemporary romances.

We each used a small-town setting that’s featured in our Superromance novels. So my novella is set in my fictional Eastern Sierra town of Benson. I thought I’d left Benson behind after I finished my Sierra Legacy series, but it was lovely to get to visit there again.

Her Hometown Cowboy is about Nate Sawyer, a veteran whose war wounds have kept him away from women, until he meets Daisy Garland, a woman he can’t resist. Daisy has pursued her intellectual and career goals at the expense of so many other parts of her life. As she gets to know Nate, she starts to realize this and helps them both discover that love matters more than anything else.

Each of the novellas in Falling for You was also written to be a celebration of fall. I love the fall season and enjoyed filling my story with golden aspen leaves, a harvest festival, pumpkin carving, and more.

And like many of my stories, Her Hometown Cowboy touches on some issues that are dear to my heart. The plight of America’s wild horses.  Medical care for our nations’ veterans. Mental heath. Finding balance in our lives. Making peace with our families. And of course, my absolute favorite theme, the healing power of love.

I have taken a peek at the other novellas in this collection and I have to tell you, they make me want to work even harder at my writing. My fellow authors are really outstanding, award winning, best selling writers! I’m especially excited that we have a novella by one of my writing heroes, bestselling author Tara Taylor Quinn.  And we were very honored when former Superromance author Brenda Novak agreed to write the forward for us.

Falling for You is an e-book, and it’s being offered at the special pre-order price of $0.99! It’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo and Google Play.

And, we’d love it if you’d all come celebrate its release! We have a huge Facebook Party going on right now, all the way up to release day! It’s called Octoberfest. We have many guest authors, plus there are giveaways and fun, fall-themed posts.  To join the party, simply follow this link and request to join the group. Don’t worry, we will let you in!

I hope Her Hometown Cowboy touches readers’ hearts. Nate and Daisy’s story certainly touched mine. And now there’s a springtime novella that needs to be written… see if you can spot the hero and heroine when you read Her Hometown Cowboy!

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