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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Western Dreaming.....

Can you believe that next week, November begins? I'm not even ready for Halloween and it seems like this year is running away from me faster than I can catch up. I'm finishing up my last two stories for this year (2017) and as I get ready for next year, I'm already dreaming of places I want to go.

You know how they say in real estate its location, location, location, it's the same as a writer. Some stories don't work in some locations. While we have several rodeo schools in North Carolina, it seems odd to set that type of story along the coastal plain. You might instead write a story about wild ponies along the coastal barrier dunes or perhaps talk about hunters and jumpers, show rings and dressage.

Small farms and rural towns are on the bill for the mid Atlantic states as well as the mid west. But, what I'd really like to sink my teeth into would be a good lumber camp story. I've been doing some research on Wyoming and that might just be the place. Maybe a dude ranch, where a cowboy falls for a fish out of water? Or a ranch that has to go for the modern approach to save itself from ruin? Lots of good possibilities. What say you?


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