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Friday, December 8, 2017

Just Me at Christmas

Hello all!

Normally I like to drop into this blog with fun facts about the wild west or about my books because those are a few of my favorite things, lol, but I thought this blog day, for a change of pace, I would just share a little bit about myself. I am at present living in Goose Creek, South Carolina with my fiance and our six kids. Some days I can forget how hectic it is to have six kids because I am doing my best just to keep up with the day to day rush. Around the holidays, however, I get sappy and nostalgic. Standing back and looking at my mantel this year I got all teary eyed. My kids are not babies and are getting ready to head off into the world.

It is the little things like this, seeing their stockings all lined up in a row, knowing how grown they are getting. No matter how old they get though, we will always hang a stocking on the mantle for each of them, and one day, for their children. As a girl I always looked at all the twinkling lights around the neighborhood in awe and wonder. While we didn't always put up lights ourselves, my mom made sure we rode by the yards where they went all out for decoration.

This year we were able to put up an Olaf bigger than the car in my front yard! Every day I wait to see the faces of the kids as they walk by and feel proud when they say, "Look, it's Olaf!" Now that we have our own house, I have decided that I will never have another fake tree. We go out and find the fattest tree that smells the most like pine. Taking the time out with my kids to hang each ornament or pass the string of lights around the tree, the real time we spend together at this activity, makes me feel proud and blessed.

I guess it is true. The older you get, the less you look for material gifts. I find as the holidays approach, my real joy comes in spending time with my kids. Watching my fiance put up the lights outside. Trying out new receipts on my friends and neighbors. The focus of the holiday for me is the joy this time of year can bring, and I love it. So if I celebrate Christmas for two months, please don't be mad, lol. Lord knows this world can simply use a little more holiday cheer.

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