Author Pages

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year!

Hello and Welcome to Cowboy Kisses 2018! As we say goodbye to 2017, we sadly say goodbye to some of our authors. Agnes Alexander, Krista Ames, Barbara Caitlin, and Hildie McQueen have departed from the blog, but all is not lost. They can still be found on the Cowboy Kisses Facebook Group page chatting with everyone and keeping us informed of new releases.
It is with great pleasure we announce new authors to the blog. Please give a warm welcome to Stephanie Berget, Shirleen Davies, Juliette Douglas, and Kim Turner. Each of these ladies write western romance and will begin blogging this month. Be sure to check the sidebar for their respective dates. To get to know more about them, don’t forget to stop by their author pages and their websites. Stephanie, Shirleen, Juliette, and Kim are also on the Facebook Group page. Pop over to Facebook to chat with them.
I extend my sincerest Thank You to all the authors on the blog. Without them, I couldn’t keep Cowboy Kisses alive and thriving. Their dedication to the group shines not only on this page but behind the scenes, as well. I am humbled and blessed to not only be in the company of such great talent, but to call these ladies Friends.
This year we will host our annual Cowboy Kisses party, either late October or early November on the Facebook Group page. Details will be posted late summer. When you see them, mark your calendars. This is a party you don’t want to miss. We had so much fun last year and hope you’ll join us this year.      
I leave you with some writing humor and my warmest Thank You’s to you, our readers, for helping us keep the blog going. Without you, Cowboy Kisses wouldn’t be possible. Hugs and all the best to you in 2018.



  1. Julie,
    Thank you so much for all that you do to keep Cowboy Kisses running so smoothly, on both the blog and the Facebook group. You're the best!

  2. Thank you, Kristy! I couldn't do it without all of you. Hugs!

  3. Julie, I'll add my thanks as well. I learn quite a bit from my fellow members here and always enjoy reading their posts. Thanks for keeping us all in line!

  4. Happiest of New Years, Julie! Thank you for all you do, which is a lot. And welcome to our new authors. This is a friendly, informative place to hang out.Look forward to reading everyone's posts in the coming year.


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