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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Mustangs Still Run Free

by Heather Blanton

And I'm not talking about the BLM Round-ups. On a recent trip to South Dakota with my sister, we discovered the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. The place is awe-inspiring, the horses jaw-dropping, and the dedication of the volunteers humbling.

In short, this preserve protects 700+ Mustangs on a little over 13,000 acres in southern South Dakota.
There are also 200 head of red Angus so the ranch can benefit from some government grants. Wild horses alone don't qualify. They're considered feral animals.

Imagine 700 horses that have never been saddled. The herd contains actual Spanish ponies, descendants of Cortes' foray into the Southwest. There are also a few Choctaw ponies the reserve is trying to bring back. And there are dozens of the striking smoky-blue gray grulla horses. You can tour the ranch (which I highly recommend) and interact with the horses. You can also sponsor horses. Or you can just flat-out donate. With a feed bill of one million dollars, they won't turn your money away.

If you are ever in the state, anywhere in the state, make the trip. Go see the Mustangs. You can find out more about them here!
A little Choctaw Indian Pony with my seester Dawn
Our guide showing us the basin where the main part of the ranch sits.

Some of the horses were sweet. Some, not so much.

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