Author Pages

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Goodbye and Welcome

With hectic schedules, jobs, families, and little time for writing, The Cowboy Kisses Team bid a fond farewell to the following authors and wish them the best of luck.

Lynda Cox
Juliette Douglas
Claire McEwen
Letisha Stanton

If you're a fan of these ladies, all is not truly lost. You can still catch up with them on the Cowboy Kisses Facebook Group page.
At this time, The Cowboy Kisses Team extend a grand welcome to our new authors and invite you to take a look at their author pages and get to know them a little better. Some either have or will begin blogging in August and others in September. Be sure to check the schedule so you don't miss them. You can also catch them on our Facebook group page.

Maggie Carpenter
                                                                                    Ginger Chambers
                                                                                    Rhonda Frankhouser
                                                                                    Jacqui Nelson

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