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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Romance in the Golden Years

by Shanna Hatfield

I enjoy writing about non-typical, nontraditional couples. Once in a while, I even have fun making the couple older.

Such was the case when I created a story for the Christmas in Romance series, releasing next month.

I mean, how fun is it to take two septuagenarians, and have them all in love?

Last year, I worked with a group of awesome authors to bring readers Fall Into Romance, a collection of sweet novellas all set in the fictional town of Romance, Oregon.

Six of us decided to join forces and create a Christmas series of novellas.

CIR meme with covers
Celebrate Christmas in Romance
Between odd animals, lost loves, second chances, hidden identities, a secret Santa, and bickering senior citizens, it might just take a miracle to bring everyone a happily-ever-after for the holidays.
The books release on consecutive days, beginning November 1 with my story.
 Sleigh Bells Ring Meme
You’re never too old to fall in love . . .
Will two over-the-hill neighbors embrace a holiday romance?
Rancher Jess Milne lost his wife years ago, but he’s finally ready to give love a second chance. It’s a shame the one woman in Romance who captures his interest is a prickly, wasp-tongued she-devil. She used to be one of his closest friends until he asked her out. Her vocal, vehement refusal made her thoughts on dating him crystal clear. Despite her animosity, Jess can’t help but be attracted to her fire and spirit.
Widowed more than ten years, Doris Grundy tries to convince herself she’s content with her life. Her recently married grandson and his wife bring her joy. The ranch she’s lived on since she was a young bride gives her purpose. She’s an active member of their close-knit community. But the old coot who lives down the road continually invades her thoughts, keeping her from having any peace. Doris will be the last to admit she longs for the love and affection of her handsome neighbor.
When the two of them are unexpectedly thrown together, will they find a little holiday spirit and allow the love of the season to ring in their hearts?

Here's a little teaser:
“What do you think this is, Fort Knox? Last I knew, you don’t have anything so precious in this house you have to keep every dang door locked.”

The loud, irritated voice accompanying the slamming of the back door jolted Jess out of his slumber.

Startled, he sat up so abruptly he bumped his knee against the coffee table. He sucked in a gulp of acute pain and swallowed down a few words Janet would take him to task for saying.

More banging from the kitchen drew his gaze toward the doorway. While he’d slept, the formidable Doris Grundy had arrived.

“What’s your problem?” he hollered and waited for the nausea that accompanied the pain to recede before he grabbed his walker and hauled himself to his feet.

He’d taken one step toward the kitchen when Doris appeared in the doorway, unwinding a dark red scarf from around her neck. Jess did his best to ignore her rosy cheeks and the light sparkling in her gorgeous blue eyes. He’d always thought Doris had the prettiest blue eyes he’d ever seen.

“I had to drag the bench by the back door over to where you have the spare key hidden in the rafters of the porch. Why have you got all the doors locked? Afraid someone will come in here and put you out of your misery?” Doris asked. She marched back into the kitchen before he could answer.

Apparently, she wasn’t yet ready to put aside their differences and be on civil terms. Well, two could play that game. The promise he’d made to Janet to attempt to be nice to Doris crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. The woman was more snappish than a testy turtle.

“Why didn’t you just fly your broom up there and grab it?” he asked as he made his way into the kitchen. Although he kept his tone friendly, she spun around and snarled at him after tossing her outerwear on a chair at the table.

Jess barely suppressed a chuckle.
She took containers out of a basket and set them on the counter. “Are you hungry or not? I’ve got better things to do than mollycoddle a senile ol’ donkey like you.” 
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After spending her formative years on a farm in eastern Oregon, hopeless romantic Shanna Hatfield turns her rural experiences into sweet historical and contemporary romances filled with sarcasm, humor, and hunky heroes.
When this USA Today bestselling author isn’t writing or covertly hiding decadent chocolate from the other occupants of her home, Shanna hangs out with her beloved husband, Captain Cavedweller.
Shanna loves to hear from readers. Follow her online at:
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  1. Shanna,
    This series sounds like so much fun. Love the excerpt! Sparks are flying.

  2. They are, Kristy! It was such fun to write! :)

  3. I love a story about older people finding love, after all we aren't all young. I can't wait to read their interactions, sounds absolutely fantastic.


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