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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Interview With Maggie Carpenter. New Cowboy Kisses Blogger - Posted by Maggie Carpenter

USA Today Bestselling - Award Winning Author

Author of over 70 romance novels, including historical and contemporary western romance. 

Hello everyone. I'm so pleased to be here. It was suggested an interview would be the best way to introduce myself. Pasted below is one I recently gave an online blogger for Hunks and Horses, my new contemporary western series.

What genre would you consider your books to be?

I write romance, most times with an element of suspense covering all genres. Cowboys, SciFi, Historical. You name it. Love comes in many forms, but it’s always love.

What can you tell me about your book, To Kiss A Cowboy. 

This is the first book in a contemporary cowboy series called, Hunks and Horses. It’s a western romance laced with a paranormal element. But there’s more. I wrote a book called, COWBOY: His Ranch. His Rules. His Secrets over a year ago, and the novel continues to shine. I decided it was the perfect vehicle from which to launch a new series. Hence, Hunks and Horses was born. While all the books are standalone and HEA, the characters from COWBOY return for a visit in each of them.

I noticed you have many western romance books. Is there a reason? 

Who doesn’t love a sexy cowboy? Besides that, I’m a horse owner and lover and I know about horses. It’s really annoying to read a cowboy book written by someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Not that I have much time for reading these days.

What kind of research did you do for this book?

I researched animal totems and spirit guides, and all my books are based around personal events. I can’t say more than that without giving away the story.

What's a typical working day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you set a daily writing goal?

ALL DAY. I WRITE ALL DAY. Except when I’m at the barn with my beautiful mare or walking my dog. 

Do you have a new book in the making and if so, what’s the name of your upcoming book?

I always have a new book in the making. I have finished the Hunks and Horses series for the moment, though a new story may come into my head, and I’m currently writing about a very sexy alien. No title yet, but I’m into the final chapters.

How important are character names to you in your books? Is there a special meaning to any of the names?

Very important. I often change the name of a character as I write. Sometimes I know their names off the bat, like Sassy Cassy in The Cowboy’s Rules, or Avery Madison, in The Billionaire’s Beach, but if I start a book and I’m not happy with the name, I don’t worry about it. The characters will eventually tell me who they are.

Where do your ideas come from?

I dream them. Literally. Every single time. Occasionally something will come to me while I’m riding.
What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Titles and typos. The two dreaded T’s.

What do you think of book trailers? Do you have a trailer or do you intend to create one for your own book?

I produce my own trailers. I wish I had the time to produce one for every book. I have about 20 to date.

What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?

Spy, Warlock, Motorcycle Master, Loved From The Grave,  Cowboy: His Ranch. His Rules. His Secrets, and the four cowboy books of Hunks & Horses. Elizabeth’s Education Books One and Two are also unique, but they are very erotic. 

What’s the best thing about being an author?

Living through my characters, finishing a book and smiling, then crashing for a day. Such a great feeling.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Living in a lovely barn surrounded by four-legged friends and comfortably supporting them. 

Have you always liked to write?


What writing advice do you have for aspiring authors?

Read as much as you can. Write what you know. Feel what you write.

What is your least favourite part of the writing / publishing process?

Marketing and promotion. 
Can you give us a tasty morsel from one of your cowboy books?

Sure. From To Kiss A Cowboy. And the first line of the tidbit is meant to say, to kiss a cowboy. It’s not a mistake. 

To kiss a cowboy. 
Especially Caleb.
Was it too much to ask?
Dropping her eyes to the huge glittering diamond resting on her finger, Connie let out a heavy sigh. 
Yes it was. 
Lounging in a recliner on the terrace outside her bedroom, Connie missed Caleb already. He’d be leaving shortly to collect the rest of his belongings. Martha, her long-time friend and housekeeper, absolutely adored him, and in a few short days he’d transformed the barn. The many odd jobs were underway. The feed room had been re-organized, the tack room had never been cleaner, and when she ran into the workers they were polite and respectful.
Then there were the lessons.
Caleb made them fun and positive, and when she climbed off Domino she was excited, not frustrated. Her handsome new trainer often hugged her, exclaiming his pride in her progress, but he hadn’t engulfed her in his arms as he had that first day. 
The all-consuming, time-stopping, melting-into-him hug. 
The memory kept her up at night, and sent her fingers between her legs. Caleb King. Even his name sounded sexy, and when he tilted his head to the side, crossed his arms and captured her eyes, the butterflies in her stomach burst to life. 
“To kiss him just one time,” she mumbled, gazing across at the paddocks. “I want to so badly.”
Where did your love of books come from?

An angel. Fate. God. I have no idea. It just lives inside me. 

Of all the characters you have created, which is your favourite and why?

Absolutely impossible. :) 
Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I write what comes to me. My brain isn’t that analytical. 
If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?

How to work your butt off and make 2c an hour. (Grinning).

Where can your fans find you and follow?

Feel free to email me at any time.

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Thanks so much for stopping by and reading this. I'm delighted to be a part of the Cowboy Kisses family, and I hope you have a super week.



  1. Hi Maggie! Welcome to Cowboy Kisses. We are so happy to have you as part of the team. Hugs!

  2. Welcome to the gang, Maggie! Great to get to know you better.

  3. Pleasure to meet you. Your work and work ethic are inspiring. Plus, anyone who loves animals is pretty okay. *Smile* Doris


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