Author Pages

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Welcome 2019

Greetings! Can you believe another year has ended? 2018 kept the Cowboy Kisses authors busy publishing blogs on a variety of topics related to the western genre. Some of our authors were also busy celebrating the release of a new western romance. And, as in previous years, Cowboy Kisses bid farewell to old friends and said hello to new comrades. Please give a warm welcome to Maggie Carpenter, Ginger Chambers, Rhonda Frankhouser, Doris McCraw, Jacqui Nelson, Danni Roan, and Wilhelmina Stolen. Each are talented and well-known authors within the western romance community and are sure to strike a connection with you via the blogs they write. I invite you to get to know them better by visiting their author pages located on the right toolbar.   
2018 also saw a few other changes to our routine. Due to personal reasons needing my attention throughout the year, this was the 1st year since I’ve taken over the reins that I was unable to host the annual Facebook party. Not to worry, we will have one this year! Also, I spent a few months away from the blog and the Facebook group and extend my heartfelt gratitude to Shann Hatfield and Kristy McCaffrey for taking over in my absence. I also thank Andrea, Paty, Robyn, Patti, Nan, Lauri, and Stephanie for their continued support of me and Cowboy Kisses. Cowboy Kisses is a group effort and I couldn’t do it without any of them. Lastly, I thank you, our followers. Without you Cowboy Kisses wouldn’t exist.
As 2019 unfolds, I wish our authors continued success in their endeavors, to, no doubt, include more sexy, handsome cowboys for everyone to swoon over. And I wish all of you health, happiness and prosperity. Happy New Year Cowboy Kisses!



  1. Hi, Julie, and Happy New Year to you too! We're glad to see you back in the saddle again after a tough time. I'm looking forward to 2019 and seeing what everyone gets up to. Welcome Maggie, Ginger, Rhonda, Doris, Jacqui, Danni, and Wilhelmenia!

  2. Hi Patti: It's good to be back. Hugs to you and all the best in 2019!

  3. A great tribute to the blog, Julie! Welcome all the new authors and I'm looking forward to adding more posts and reading more posts this year. Last year was a little hectic for me and put me off my stride. Thank you for gathering us together and keeping all elements of the Cowboy Kisses authors flourishing. Special thanks to Shanna and Kristi for herding us when you are unavailable. Happy New Year everyone!

  4. Welcome to all the new authors! So happy to have everyone here contributing to the blog. And a big thank you to Julie for keeping everything going!! Happy 2019.

  5. Hi Paty and Kristy: I'm happy to host the blog and keep it going. I'm truly blessed to work with both of you and our other awesome authors! Blessings to you and your families for the happiest, healthiest 2019! Hugs!

  6. A day late and a dollar short as they say, but I want to thank you for letting me be part of this group. As I get my feet wet, I appreciate the love and support I feel.

    I'm sorry you had to be away and the reasons for the absence. Thoughts and prayers to everyone. May 2019 be even more wonderful for everyone. Doris

  7. Happy New Year, Julie and the Cowboy Kisses author crew and our readers too! It's wonderful to be here with you.

  8. Hi Jacqui and Doris: Happy 2019! we are so happy to have you as part of the team. Hugs!


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