Author Pages

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Cowboy's Spring Romance

by Shanna Hatfield

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, I thought I'd share a little piece of flash fiction I wrote to go with The Cowboy's Spring Romance.

“You are such an idiot.”

Trent Thompson ignored his younger brother’s commentary as they rode behind a few cows they’d just cut from the herd. He glanced at his watch, painfully aware of the looming approach of his date.
Maybe Travis was right. He shouldn’t have rashly asked Lindsay Pierce out when he spoke to her that morning. Who does that on Valentine’s Day?

“She’s probably picking out wedding invitations and calling a caterer as we speak.” Travis grinned and ducked when Trent took a playful punch at him. “I warned you Valentine’s Day comes with a truckload of expectations. Set the bar too high and she’ll expect those kinds of dates all the time. Set the bar too low and she won’t ever speak to you again. That’s why I avoid Valentine’s dates. It’s not worth the stress and hassle.”

“Cool it, Trav. It’s just a date, not an engagement party. Besides, I’ve only taken her out once. It’s not a big deal.” Trent thought he sounded calm and convincing even if panic had set in an hour ago. He had no idea where to take Lindsay and less than an hour to come up with something.

“Not a big deal?” Travis snorted and shook his head. “No doubt about it, you’re in deep trouble.”

Trent frowned at him. “Just shut it. Unless you can come up with something helpful, like a suggestion of where to take her this evening, be quiet.”

“I’m just saying…” Travis closed his mouth at Trent’s threatening glare.

After securing the cows in the calving barn, Trent’s long legs ate up the ground to the house. He jumped into the shower and shaved for a second time that day.

Overcome with nerves, he briefly considered texting Lindsay to cancel the date. For three long years, he’d pined after the woman. Now that she’d finally shown a little interest in him, he worried he’d mess up the opportunity to get to know her better.

Determined to do his best, he raced to get dressed, stomping his feet into his boots on the way to the kitchen. Trent slapped his black Stetson on his head and rushed out to his pickup.

On the drive to Lindsay’s place, he wondered how he’d gotten himself into this predicament. Visions of Lindsay’s long blond hair, alluring blue eyes, and beautiful face filled his thoughts. He knew exactly how it had happened.

Slowly pulling up in front of her house, he stared at the light on her porch and inhaled a deep, fortifying breath.

 Rose? Check.

Candy? Check.

Breath mint? Trent popped one in his mouth and slid out of the truck, sauntering down the walk and up the porch steps.

All his worry and anxiety melted away when she opened the door, enveloping him in the warmth of her smile.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Trent.”

Read more about Trent and Lindsay and how they spend Valentine's Day in The Cowboy's Spring Romance.

One lonesome cowboy needs a few 
      lessons in romance...

     Trent Thompson doesn't have many secrets, except for the torch he's carried for the new schoolteacher since she moved to Grass Valley more than three years ago. Instead of asking her out, he’s dated every single female in a thirty-mile radius, giving her the impression he holds no interest in knowing her.
     Lindsay Pierce moved to Grass Valley to teach and quickly fell in love with the small community as well as the delightful people who live there. Everyone welcomes her warmly except for one obnoxious cowboy who goes out of his way to ignore her.
     Will Trent be able to maintain the pretense when he has to babysit his niece, who happens to be in Lindsay’s class?
     Romance is in the air as spring fever hits the Triple T Ranch!

Wishing you all a fabulous and very Happy Valentine's Day!

   After spending her formative years on a farm in eastern Oregon, hopeless romantic Shanna Hatfield turns her rural experiences into sweet historical and contemporary romances filled with sarcasm, humor, and hunky heroes.
   When this USA Today bestselling author isn’t writing or covertly hiding decadent chocolate from the other occupants of her home, Shanna hangs out with her beloved husband, Captain Cavedweller.

   Shanna loves to hear from readers. Follow her online at:

   Find Shanna’s books at:


  1. I am enjoying Trent and Lindsey’s story I can hardly read it fast enough it’s so good. Hope You and CC have the best Valentine Day Yet!!!

  2. This sounds like another fantastic book by you. I’m so excited. Nothing better than a Shanna Hatfield book. Happy Valentine’s to you and CC. May your day be filled with lots of hearts.


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