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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

What is it About a Cowboy? by Rhonda Frankhouser

Here's my sexy cowboy!
So, what is it about a cowboy that makes us swoon? We've created a whole romance genre around the allure of these Stetson wearing easy riders, so what draws us? Since it's almost Valentines Day, I thought I'd talk about the allure of the cowboy.  
      A little background to start. The cowboy has become one of the most recognizable images of the American West, though, in truth, cowboys, the Vaqueros, originated in Spain, then migrated to Mexico. As the courageous pioneers made their way west across North America, many new settlers mimicked these skilled animal herders as a way to survive the harsh, new land.
    So what's so enticing about these dusty loners? Let's face it, they're job is not at all glamorous. They're on horseback for hours and days, weeks and even months, living off the land, sleeping on the cold ground and smelling to high heaven. They're most likely sore from riding, cranky from eating the same ole chow, and being exposed to the harsh winds and unrelenting sunshine. Not to mention predators looking for an easy target.
     Reality aside, somewhere along the way, American culture decided cowboys represented honesty, integrity and raw sexuality. Think John Wayne, Bonanza and Gunsmoke, to name just a few. What we wouldn't give to earn the love of these rugged cowboys. I remember my mom fanning herself over Clint Eastwood in the Outlaw Josie Wales. There was just something about his stoic, sad personality and wide-rimmed hat that sent a message. "I'll be loyal to mine, forever."
     Maybe its that simple? The steadfast character of the legendary cowboy is enticing because they seem so fearless. The idea that a man would fight for you until the end; love you fiercely and remain by your side, truly is a dream come true for many lonely lasses. Well, that's at least part of it. I know a good cowboy love story does it for me. That's probably why I love writing Western Romance.
     What about you? What do you find irresistible about a cowboy?
Thanks for listening, Rhonda

Check out some of my fantasy cowboys in the
Award-Winning Ruby's Ranch Series

 Book 3 - Legacy of  Ruby's Ranch due out August 2019
Book 4 - Revenge at Ruby's Ranch to follow!

Have a Fabulous Valentines Day!!!

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Me and my cowboy!

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  1. Cowboys are stalwart and steadfast. :-) Happy Valentine's Day, Rhonda!!

  2. And many more thingsπŸ˜‰. Happy Valentines to you too Kristy.

  3. Hi, Rhonda. The appeal of cowboys is something I've pondered myself. I write both historical and contemporary westerns and sometimes I write medieval romance. I think the cowboy and the knight share some qualities and both live by a code of chivalry and honestly. They literally have a code to live by. Whether reality jives with the notion we have, they appeal to something in us in a world that can sometimes appear as a free-for-all. And who doesn't love the strong, silent and his trusty stead.
    Lucky you, for being married to one! My husband is an electrician and if there is a romance genre featuring them, I haven't come across it. But when you need a electrician they are rather heroic.
    Nice thought-provoking post!

    1. Great insights, Patti. I agree we all love a trusty stead and a good electrician can be everyone’s hero. Thanks for responding. 🀠


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