Author Pages

Monday, March 25, 2019


On November 16, 2017 I released a book called COWBOY: His Ranch. His Rules. His Secrets. It has remained in or near the top 100 of its category--Contemporary Western Fiction--ever since, and is probably my most successful release. (I have published over 70 books).

Why? What is the magical pixie dust?

I launched a series--Hunks and Horses--using COWBOY as its base. I thought each book was just as engaging, but none have come close to the continued success of COWBOY.

Some of you have probably read it, and I'd love your feedback, but that's not the only reason I chose this books as the subject for this blog post.

Western Romance has been, and continues to be, one of the most popular genres in the broad Romance category. Let's face it! We are fans of Cowboy Kisses because we are enamored of cowboys. Their hats, boots, old-fashioned values, love of horses, and last but not least, most are easy on the eyes! Quick with a grin, and walking with a swagger, the twinkle in their eye sets our hearts fluttering.

Cowboys tamed the west (and probably the wild women who were brave enough to join them). They fought, toiled, and with sheer grit and determination, settled the land and created something from nothing. We have many holidays commemorating the heroes of history. Shouldn't we have a national cowboy day?

All in favor, raise your hands!

If anyone knows of a date that has historical significance relating to cowboys, please let me know.  My email is, or just leave it in the comments below. Maybe we could start something. Spread it around Facebook.

Hey everyone. The ___of ____ is National Cowboy Day!

Have a super rest of your week! If you'd like to subscribe to my newsletter you can pick up a free copy of LOGAN: Cowboy Bodyguard.

Thanks for stopping by.

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