Author Pages

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cowboy Kisses Updates

Cowboy Kisses bids a teary goodbye to one of its authors. Due to other  obligations, Mina Beckett is stepping down from her post on the 3rd Friday of each month. She is still active on the Facebook Group page, so be sure to keep up with her there. Hugs to you Mina and all the best in the future.

Cowboy Kisses is happy to welcome western romance author Kristine Raymond. Kristine is taking over Mina's slot and should begin this month. Kristine is also active on our Facebook group page and has an author page here (see right sidebar) for you to become more acquainted with her.  Welcome Kristine!

Leave of absence: Maggie Carpenter will be away from her post for a few months. Maggie will still be active on the Facebook Group page. Be sure to connect with her there until she resumes her posts here.

As always, Thank You to our readers for joining us, both here and on the Facebook group page. And Thank You to the authors who contribute to this blog and keep it going. I couldn't do this without you. Hugs!



  1. Happy to be here! Thanks for welcoming me into the Cowboy Kisses family <3

  2. We're happy to have you join our team. Hugs, Kristine!


Our readers: If you like a post, please consider sharing on your Facebook and/or Twitter pages, and leave a comment. The cowgirls welcome them and will respond if you ask questions. Any Spam will be deleted.