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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Best Damn Banana Pudding Recipe by Rhonda Frankhouser

Happy June, everyone! I'm buried in 2nd round edits on Book 3 of my Ruby's Ranch Series, Legacy of Ruby's Ranch, sooooooo, I thought I'd leave you all with a quick and delicious family recipe for a fabulous summer treat. Banana Pudding!!! It's not fancy but it's a family favorite. 

I know it's naughty and we're all perpetually on a diet, but when I want to calm down, reminisce and bring a smile to my man's face, I make this. It works every time. There's always tomorrow for healthy eating.


  • 4 ripe but not rotting bananas
  • 2 large packages of instant (yes, instant) Jello vanilla pudding
  • Half and half (use in place of regular milk required on the box recipe)
  • Whipped cream (lots)
  • 1 box of Nilla wafers
  1. Layer the bottom of a clear cake pan with wafers (Sometimes I make individual servings in Mason jars or use a beautiful trifle dish to look prettier).
  2. Wedge slivers of two bananas to cover the wafers.
  3. Mix one packet of pudding with Half n Half and cover wafers and bananas (Trust me on this-delish).
  4. Layer with whipped cream.
  5. Repeat the first 4 steps with another layer of each ingredient so you have one huge, gooey, delicious banana lasagna.
  6. Crumble the top with crushed Nilla wafers and refrigerate until set. A couple hours.

Wanna send my amazing father-in-law in Cali some Happy Father's Day love and blow a Happy Father's Day kiss to my sweet dad, who's playing guitars and riding broncs in heaven. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I push through these edits. Have I mentioned, it's not my favorite part of being a writer??? 

But isn't my new cover beeee-U-T-full???

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  1. Rhonda this looks so yummy!! I'm going to have to try. Thank you for sharing.


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