Author Pages

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How to Avoid the Dreaded Writer’s Back by Rhonda Frankhouser

Stay off those bucking horses, y'all...
With every career, comes some chance of injury. Football players risk concussion, police officers risk death, and cowboys risk it all. Even being a writer has its risks. Oh sure, we don’t usually face anything quite so daunting as the other career paths mentioned, but the struggle is REAL.

Writers back starts innocently enough. At first, it's a tiredness that builds in the neck and then the muscles down the spine slowly begin to contract. Soon the unconscious wiggling begins. The elbow leaning. The stretching from side to side, the bend forward, then finally the cramp, but nothing seems to keep that tiny ache from drawing the writer's attention away from their persistent characters.
As smart as writers are, many turn a deaf ear to the body’s warning. It’s screaming to please stand up, go for a walk, breath some fresh air and STRETCH ME properly, OR ELSE. Sitting is the new plague of this generation, especially for those who earn their living at a keyboard. The contraction of the muscles as well as compaction of the spine is just the beginning of the end for those who sit. A sedentary life can also lead to problems with digestion, internal organ compaction and obesity, just to mention a few.

But there is hope. There are ways to answer the call of the character and take care of the body at the same time. These are just a few suggestions I received from my own orthopedic surgeon to give my back a long, strong life, and to keep the blood flowing to that all important creative brain: 

Even if only one or two of these suggestions are incorporated, it will surely extend the writer’s career exponentially with the added bonus of a better quality of life for them and their families. It goes without saying, always check with your own doctor before trying any of these. If you've discovered other back saving tips, please share with the rest of us. We can use all the help we can get. Good luck and take care of that precious back.

Go out and make beautiful memories,
Rhonda Frankhouser
Author of Contemporary and Western Romance
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HELP!!!-Book 2 in Rhonda's award-winning Ruby's Ranch Series, Escape from Ruby's Ranch, is a finalist in the Uncaged Raven Awards contest. If you're so inclined, please pop over and cast your vote for a fellow Cowboy Kisses family member. Any and all support is appreciated. UNCAGED RAVEN AWARDS VOTING PAGE

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