Author Pages

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Post by Doris McCraw
writing as Angela Raines

It's January and a time of new beginnings. At the same time, it is also a time of reflection and looking back at the past. How many make 'resolutions' or 'intentions' based on what did or didn't happen prior to the start of the new year?

So how and what will I write about this year? I will always be in research mode, so I guess I can be counted on to share any new or exciting things I find in the 'stacks'. I am one of those who loves reading old newspapers and magazines. An author friend always goes for the advertisements first thing. It seemed odd to me until I took a look at what can be gleaned from those bits of information.

For example, here is an ad for cattle brands in the Fairplay Plume of February 12, 1880:

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For writers, it may be the time you set your 'marketing' schedule for the year. Maybe you decide to finish those projects you started. There are all kinds of free and low-cost templates you can download to help keep you on track. I have a small calendar I keep by my computer to track the number of words I write on my current project. Believe it or not, it does help keep me on track to finishing the project.

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Maybe it's time to set aside the funds and plan what writer's conference you might attend. January is a good time to see what might be coming that would push you to the next level. Perhaps you just want to do workshops. January is a great time to start planning.

If you are a reader, what get-togethers might you be interested in? Is there an author or authors you would love to spend time with? Sometimes they don't even know how much they mean to you. Maybe this year is the one where you contact them. There are also author events in various areas of the country. January is a great time to see what may be happening in your area that would be a chance to meet your favorites.

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Whatever you would like to have happen in the coming year, January is a great time to start looking and planning. So as you move through 2020, use the month of January to see where you might like the year to go and what it would look like to you.

Doris Gardner-McCraw -
Author, Speaker, Historian-specializing in
Colorado and Women's History
Angela Raines - author: Where Love & History Meet
Angela Raines FaceBook: Click Here

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