Author Pages

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome to 2020 By: Julie Lence

Hello & Welcome to Cowboy Kisses 2020. I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas celebration and a joyful New Year’s Eve celebration. Both of mine were quietly spent with hubby, kiddo, and Harley, who enjoyed the treats Santa left in his Christmas stocking. With today marking the beginning of a new year, and decade, it’s time for me to bring you up to date with the Cowboy Kisses team.
First off, you’ll notice our mascot has a new banner. I love the blue hues and think the scenery represents all of the Cowboy Kisses authors' stories.
Second, you’ll notice we’ve said goodbye to Maggie Carpenter and Lauri Robinson. The team and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Lauri was alternating months with Paty Jager. Danni Roan will now take over Lauri’s shared spot with Paty beginning this month. As soon as Danni’s old slot and Maggie’s slot are filled, I will let you know.   
We do have a new author to Cowboy Kisses. Please welcome Sable Hunter to the team. She’ll begin blogging this month. I invite you to get to know more about Sable by visiting her website. The link is located on the right side bar.  
In addition to recruiting authors, I’ve updated this page to reflect our Twitter feed, so be sure to see what the Cowgirls are Tweeting each day. Excerpt Sunday has been incorporated into the Facebook group and readers like stepping into the pages of the Cowgirls’ stories. And as always, the Facebook group has prompts for everyone to participate on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
This year we will host our 6th annual Round-Up. Time and date will be announced later in the year, but I’m thinking some time in November. To let you know, this past year Facebook was very wonky with allowing folks to post comments to the party. And it just wasn’t the Cowboy Kisses party that had this problems. Others did, too, and I’m hoping Facebook corrects the issue before this year’s round-up.
In closing, I thank the Cowboy Kisses Team for their continued support of the blog and group pages and me. Without them, Cowboy Kisses would’ve ceased to exist a long time ago. I also thank each and every one of You for your continued support of the Cowboy Kisses blog and its authors. Hugs to everyone and all the best in 2020!


  1. Thank you Julie for your continued support also. I love all those who post here and the readers who follow and comment. Doris

  2. Thank You, Doris!! I couldn't do it without you and your support. Hugs and Happy New Year!

  3. This group has remained a vital meeting place thanks in large part to you, Julie. We appreciate all you do. And thanks to all the authors who have contributed over the year, and a big welcome to Sable.
    I love the new banner! It's an eye catcher.
    I'm wishing all our readers and writers a very happy, healthy new year filled with good things. XOXOX


Our readers: If you like a post, please consider sharing on your Facebook and/or Twitter pages, and leave a comment. The cowgirls welcome them and will respond if you ask questions. Any Spam will be deleted.