Author Pages

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Rescuing the Rancher

by Shanna Hatfield

Later this month, I'll release the second sweet romance in my new Summer Creek series. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this story because the rancher in the book is a tough-as-nails woman named Jossy.

When I began developing Jossy's character, I drew a lot of inspiration from someone I've known since I was nine.

Miss Molly was always been full of sass and life and a go get 'em attitude. She can shoe a horse, fix a pickup, drive a tractor, dig a ditch, and then lovingly rock a baby to sleep.  When I think of a hardworking ranch woman, she always comes to mind.

I so admire women who can work like Miss Molly. I'd be dog tired by breakfast if I tried to keep up with her, and comatose by lunchtime. Women ranchers possess a stamina and drive that is hard to emulate let alone describe. 

So that's why, when I wrote about Jossy, I fashioned her determination, her vibrant zest for life, and her strength after Miss Molly. 

In Rescuing the Rancher, Jossy Jansen is a widow who is determined to remain single. 

Then a handsome attorney from Portland shows up in Summer Creek to help with the town's historic building project, and Jossy knows she's in trouble. Big trouble. Which is exactly why she goes out of her way to make sure Nathaniel Knight knows his presence is not wanted around the Lazy J Ranch. 

I thought it might be fun to share a few little snippets from the book with you today. I hope you enjoy meeting Jossy and Nate!

“Have you lost your mind? I’m the last person in the world you want to take with you to do girly stuff in Portland. Your mother and her society friends would leave me staked in the backyard like a feral beast and call animal control to pick me up.”

Her emotions felt like someone had poured them into Grammy’s big blender and set it on purée from the moment she’d first set eyes on the slick city dweller. 

Her hero has arrived
Even if she doesn’t realize it . . . yet

Widow Jossy Jansen intimidates people, mostly by accident. After all, her soon-to-be sister-in-law refers to her as a cowboy version of Wonder Woman. Jossy can’t help it if she’s strong, capable, and bursting with restless energy. Never one who needed a man to rescue her, Jossy struggles with her feelings for an unlikely knight dressed in Armani.

Life as a corporate attorney has left Nathaniel Knight overworked, stressed, and going soft. He hardly recognizes the person he’s become. When his father insists he help out the small community of Summer Creek, Nate dreads spending time so far from civilization. Then he tangles with a rancher far too stubborn for her own good and far too lovely for his.

Can Nate convince Jossy he’s more than just a city boy out of his element?

The book is available for pre-order for just $2.99 through July 29! Find out more on my website or order your copy today:

 USA Today bestselling author Shanna Hatfield is a farm girl who loves to write. Her sweet historical and contemporary romances are filled with sarcasm, humor, hope, and hunky heroes. When Shanna isn’t dreaming up unforgettable characters, twisting plots, or covertly seeking dark, decadent chocolate, she hangs out with her beloved husband, Captain Cavedweller.
Shanna loves to hear from readers. Follow her online at:


  1. I’m so excited to read this!!

  2. Yay! So happy you are looking forward to it, Lynette!

  3. Oh I can hardly wait for Jossy’s story!!! This going to be great I just know it!!!

  4. Thank you so much, Glenda. Can't wait to share it with you!


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