Author Pages

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


by Dorothy Wiley, Author
Storyteller of Love and Heroes on the American Frontier

One of the things I've always been puzzled by is the depiction of angels as beautiful females. Usually, they have flowing gowns and glowing hair. This depiction hung over my bed when I was a little girl. 

Guardian angel, German postcard, 1900, unknown artist

While these images are beautiful, they are not scriptural. Every reference to angels in the Bible uses the masculine gender. There are no examples of angels presenting themselves as females in scripture. Angels are always referred to as "he" rather than a "she." The Greek word for "angel" in the New Testament is Angelos, a masculine noun. 

This conundrum of how angels are inaccurately portrayed has always intrigued me. When I conceived the hero for my new release BUCKSKIN ANGEL, I wanted Rory to not only arrive to help the heroine, Jessica, but I wanted her to realize that God might have sent him. And since he was dressed in buckskin, and was angelically handsome, she called him her Buckskin Angel. He wasn't a literal angel, but he was there to guard her against evil and show her the meaning of love. To me, that is perhaps what guardian angels are for and I like to think that they are here among us. The Bible clearly tells us that God sends angels to protect people: “He will give His angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone” (Psalm 91:11–12). Many of us have experienced the feeling--sometimes called instinct--that we are being guided or that there was a reason why something happened as it did. Have you had this experience? I have. 

Here's the synopsis of BUCKSKIN ANGEL:

It’s 1824, and Captain Sam Wyllie and Bear MacKay, well-loved characters from the American Wilderness Series, agree they need one last adventurea thrilling 800-mile journey through the American frontier to see their brother Stephen in the Province of Texas. Knowing that predators of all kinds lurk in the wilderness, their grown sons, Rory and Alexander, insist on going along to protect them. Or will their fathers be the ones who protect them from untold dangers?

Unknown to them, in the frontier town of Nacogdoches, Jessica awaits. So do even greater threats from a relentless stalker and a vicious gang known as Los Diablos Tejanos. Courage and character must go head-to-head against greed and violence. Two aging warriors learn they are not too old for a good fight or a wild adventure. And two young men learn they still have some things to learn. One of them discovers courage among the savagery. The other seeks the woman he somehow already loves. 

And here's the cover:

And here's a review of the book, for which I am very grateful, written by our Cowboy Kisses Author Julie Lence (who also has a new release LANDRY, available on Amazon at

A Daring Journey to Romance

Rory Wyllie hails from a large family of proud, brave men seasoned in war and honor, and who love whole-heartedly. When his father and uncle suggest one last adventure to Texas to visit their younger brother before age banishes them to front porch rocking chairs, Rory and his cousin tag along under the pretense of keeping them safe. Truth is Rory has a long list of skills he wants his father to teach him while on the trail. But as lessons are learned and dangers are overcome, a woman he’s never met invades his dreams nightly. Beautiful and intriguing; he’s certain she’s waiting for him in Texas.

Devoted to her father and the store they operate in Texas, Jessica Harrison longs for the right man to come along and steal her heart. He has to be strong, courageous, and welcome her thoughts on everything from Texas’ politics to tilling dirt. Local banker Donny isn’t that man. He’s boorish, self-centered, and makes her skin crawl. If only he’d stop insisting on courting her, but he turns up at every corner and showers her with inappropriate gifts. At her wits end, she seeks his father’s help, only to bring the wrath of the banking family down on her own father.

Amidst Texas’ early days of breaking away from Mexico, Buckskin Angel is ripe with scandal, a notorious outlaw gang, and sinister plots to overtake the innocent and line pockets with gold. But Rory and Jessica are determined to foil those who not only stand in the way of their love, but have stolen something more valuable than money. With a cast of interesting characters, a bit of humor, and the push for good to triumph over evil, Buckskin Angel will keep you entertained and riveted to your seat as you cheer for, and cry alongside, Rory and Jessica’s journey to happy-ever-after.

Available in eBook and print formats at

BUCKSKIN ANGEL is the third book in my Wilderness Dawning Series. Book One is RED RIVER RIFLES and Book Two is LAND OF STARS. 


This series along with my ten other historical romances are all on Amazon at

You can also see them on my website



1 comment:

  1. Interesting observation re: the gender of Angels. Beautiful cover, intriguing premise, and what a great review. Wishing you the bet with Buckskin Angel.


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